15 years after his divorce, Tom Cruise, 61, has new girlfriend

Tom Cruise and his third wife, actress Katie Holmes, with whom he shares daughter Suri, divorced some 15 years ago. Before Holmes, The Top Gun star was married two times. He and Academy award-winning actress Nicole Kidman, whose marriage Iasted for a decade, adopted son Connor Cruise, 25, and daughter Isabella “Bella” Cruise, 27, when the two were just months old.

However, after his split with Holmes, the pubIic hasn’t really known much about Cruise’s private life and whether he had been romantically involved with someone or not.

Being a ceIebrity of his kind, it doesn’t come as a surprise that the media is interested in Cruise’s love life.

Recently, his name was mentioned along that of pop star Shakira, who has recently split from her boyfriend of 11 years, football star Gerard Piqué, with whom she has two sons. Except for Shakira, the media specuIated of Cruise’s alleged close relationship with Mission: Impossible co-star Hayley Atwell, but the rumors seem to be just that, rumors.

He, however, is apparently dating someone new. His fans could spot him with the 36-year-oId ex-wife of a Russia oligarch. The Daily Mail cIaim reports that the Hollywood star was recently sighted at a party in Mayfair, London with 36-year-old Elsina Khayrova, daughter to a Russian MP. Khayrova who was previously married to Dmitry Tsvetkov.

Here’s What You Need To Know If You See Someone Wearing Shoes

Computer scientists from Austria have introduced a groundbreaking shoe, called InnoMake, designed to help blind individuals navigate obstacles while walking,

Developed by Tec-Innovation and Graz University of Technology, this innovative shoe, priced at over $3,000, boasts waterproof ultrasonic sensors on each toe, capable of detecting obstacles up to 13 feet away.

As wearers approach objects, vibrations and sounds alert them, akin to parking sensors in vehicles. Markus Raffer, a visually impaired co-founder of Tec-Innovation, has lauded its effectiveness, noting personal benefits.

Each foot features a dedicated sensor, available as a complete shoe or retrofit option, capable of identifying an object’s nature, be it a wall, car, or stairs, and providing tailored alerts.

Future plans include incorporating camera-based recognition and machine learning for improved navigation assistance, potentially offering a “street view navigation map” for users.

Friedrich Fraundorfer at TU Graz emphasized the shoe’s potential to revolutionize the lives of visually impaired individuals, granting them greater independence and safety in navigating their surroundings.

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