The world’s strongest boy. He is currently 24 years old

About 15 years ago, Richard Sandrak, who moved from Ukraine to the United States, was called the strongest boy in the world.

Richard started to exercise seriously when he was just a child. And at the age of 8 he could bench-press with more than 30 pounds! At 11 years of age he lifted 53 pounds!

Now he’s 24 years old and it’s hard to call him a jock.

Once he was given the nickname «Little Hercules», he was constantly invited to competitions, TV-shows, commercials, magazines and even movies. That’s why Richard’s family moved to California, so the son could fully realize himself.

Training, nutrition, regime — these points were monitored by the boy’s father — a former world champion in martial arts. Very often the man was criticized for abusing his son and putting a lot of pressure on him.

And when Richard was 11 years old, he called the police when his father assaulted his mother. The man was put in jail for domestic violence.

The boy stopped communicating with his father and no longer recognized him. For a while he was still practicing, but gradually it became less and less.

At the moment Richard says: «I am very proud of my achievements as a child, I am not ashamed of them and I do not try to hide this page of my life from anyone. And he adds: «I just don’t want to live like that anymore.» «They tried to make me look like some kind of abomination of nature.»

Now Richard continues to exercise, but not as fanatically. He runs every morning and also likes skateboarding. By profession, he is a stuntman at the show «Waterworld» in Los Angeles, where he is set on fire at least five times a day, and then he has to dive into the water from a great height.

Once he was asked what he wanted to be, his answer was surprising: «A scientist, doing quantum physics… or an engineer at NASA. Why not»?

I Was the Only One Who Went to My Grandma’s Birthday Brunch — After Seeing Her Tears, I Taught My Family a Lesson

My story begins badly but ends on a positive note. It’s about my Gran-Gran, the sweetest lady alive, who raised me and my brothers during our parents’ divorce. Ahead of her 83rd birthday, she surprised us by organizing a brunch at her place, despite her deteriorating health, making her own bread and pastries, and sending handwritten invites.

On her birthday, I arrived 10 minutes late to find her cleaning up alone. She admitted, “Sany, you aren’t too late, no one bothered showing up on my birthday. But it’s okay, sweetheart. I know everyone is busy.” My heart broke. Everyone had promised to be there, but none showed up. I hugged her and decided to take action.v

I lied to my family, saying Gran-Gran had fallen and was in the hospital, convincing them to send money for hospital bills. I collected a significant amount and used it to book a trip for Gran-Gran and me to a beach resort she’d always wanted to visit. We spent a week enjoying the sun, the sea, and each other’s company. I shared the trip images on social media, tagging all our family members.

When we returned, Gran-Gran was glowing. “Thank you for this, darling. It’s been the best week of my life,” she said. From that day on, my family never missed another event. They showed up for every birthday, holiday, and Sunday dinner. Every time I saw Gran-Gran’s happy face, I knew it had all been worth it. Do you think I overreacted and took things too far?

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