Heavy duty floor cleaner recipe: ONLY use this and it leaves floor spotless…

One incredible thing about doing this lockdown thing is that if drives me to do things I wouldn’t ordinarily do. Like clean my floors. Alright, I do clean my floors, however not so regularly as I should. I simply HATE doing it not terrible, but not great either to such an extent! In any event now I have a heavy-duty floor cleaner that makes it to a lesser degree a task.

The kitchen truly isn’t really awful. I love my wood cover floors because more often than not, a clammy paper towel will work. Yet, the bathrooms? Well that is an alternate story.

I live in a house populated by guys. Anybody with young men comprehends what that “kid washroom smell” resembles. I swear, it’s in the dividers. I can wipe down each surface in there and wash the floor on all fours it’s still there-floating through the house like an Oscar the Grouch rendition of a Glade module. In any case, this floor cleaner just may be my salvation.

This formula from Food.com is for rock solid cleaning like in a business kitchen. It is intended to be an oil shaper. What’s more, it worked incredible on my kitchen floor. However, what attracted me to the pin was the way that somebody wrote in the portrayal “smells astounding.”

The issue with utilizing alkali based cleaners like Pine-Sol in the washroom is that it just appears to exacerbate the pee smell even. Also, why utilize costly and unforgiving synthetic substances when you don’t need to? Truly, my washroom smells extraordinary and the floors look clean. In any event for the following 12 seconds.

Substantial Floor Cleaner

  • 1/4 cup white vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon liquid dish cleanser (blue Dawn is a supernatural occurrence in a jug I wouldn’t utilize whatever else!)
  • 1/4 cup washing soda (this can be found in the clothing walkway of the market)
  • 2 gallons faucet water, very warm water

Put all the fixings into a basin and blend well until sudsy.

Mop the zone with the solution. Rinsing isn’t required, yet cleaning down with a towel a short time later gives a decent perfect completion

Not suggested for waxed floors–it might make the wax gunky.

If you see this beautiful purple thing washed ashore on the sand this summer, DO NOT touch it

For those fortunate enough to have some disposable income earmarked for a summer getaway (yes, vacations are becoming quite the luxury these days), here’s a crucial heads-up: keep your eyes peeled!

There exists a stunning purple specimen that occasionally washes ashore on beaches, and let me tell you, it’s not something you want to handle or, for that matter, taste!

Believe it or not, there have been instances where influencers have deemed it fit to sample these venomous “adorable” entities.

As alluring and exotic as they may seem, Portuguese man-of-war pose a significant threat to human well-being.

These sea dwellers resemble captivating blue or purple-hued bubbles bobbing on the water’s surface, adorned with lengthy, dark purple tentacles trailing beneath them.

However, it’s precisely these tentacles that make encounters with Portuguese man-of-war perilous, as they’re brimming with venom and proficient at administering a painful sting.

Whether encountered in the water or on the shoreline, these creatures should be steered clear of, as they retain their sting-inducing capabilities even days after being washed ashore, regardless of their apparent state of decay.

A brush with these deceptively charming organisms can lead to a range of ailments, including cardiac distress, fever, shock, painful inflammation, allergic reactions resulting in breathing difficulties, paralysis, and in rare instances, death.

In the unfortunate event of a sting, forget about the age-old myth of urinating on the affected area! Instead, seek immediate professional medical attention.

Urinating can actually exacerbate the situation. Opt instead for a cold compress to alleviate swelling and discomfort.

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