Hazel Roberts, Julia Roberts’ 16-year-old daughter, makes her Red Carpet debut

Julia Roberts is one of the rare celebrities who lives a relatively ordinary existence. She has been married to cinematographer Daniel Moder for 19 years, and the couple appears to be extremely happy.

he couple has three children: twins Phinnaeus and Hazel, both 16, and a son, Henry, 14.

Both Roberts and Moder try to keep their children out of the public eye, which is why we rarely see them attending public events or sharing images on social media.

However, we saw Hazel in the presence of her father at the Cannes Film Festival in France in July.

The two were there to promote the film Flag Day. Moder was the choreographer, and Sean Penn, was the director.

While Penn’s children played characters in the film, Hazel did not, but she attended the ceremony to support her father’s efforts.

Hazel’s amazing beauty drew everyone’s attention.

While some claim she inherited her mother’s nose, many believe she’s a striking likeness of her handsome father, so it’s no surprise she’s attractive herself. Hazel has blonde hair and blue eyes.

She was dressed in a soft yellow long lace gown and black Mary Jane heels. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her make-up was modest. A true woman!

Moder was clearly proud of his girl and spent the entire evening by her side.

Whether Hazel or her siblings are interested in pursuing professions in the film industry is unknown because their parents rarely speak about their children and prefer to keep them out of the spotlight, which is understandable given Roberts’ grounded nature.

Despite her great income, which is reported to be approximately $250 million, she has never acted like a diva and has always maintained a humble demeanor.

In 2016, Hazel and her brothers played minor roles in Robert’s film Mother’s Day.

In 2018, Roberts told Harper’s Bazaar about her children:

“I don’t think they’ll ever understand (my fame). I think I told you once that when they started figuring it out, they were like, ‘You’re famous?’”

“And I said, ‘I think a lot of people might have seen the movie that I’m in or might know who I am.’”

She then discussed the issues that today’s youngsters experience, saying, “It’s different than when I might have said to my mom, ‘Mom, you don’t know what it’s like to be a teenager today,’ even though she probably did.”

Danny and I have no idea what it’s like to be an adolescent today. When my children ask me questions, I just tell them, ‘I’m going to say no and check into it because I have no idea what we’re talking about.’”

I Received a Fake Family Engagement Ring Because My Future Mother-in-Law Said I ‘Don’t Deserve’ the Real One

Belle anticipated receiving a treasured family heirloom, but on Laura’s birthday, a jewelry appraisal unearthed truths that reshaped their family dynamics. The revelation of the fake ring sparked a confrontation that transformed everything.

The dining room was alive with laughter and the clinking of glasses as David and I announced our engagement. My heart brimmed with joy as I scanned the table, eager to see his family’s reactions. David squeezed my hand under the table, his smile broad and reassuring.

Laura, David’s mother, sat at the head of the table. Her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, and her expression was hard to read. Raising her glass, she said, “To David and Belle, may your future be as bright as tonight.”

I thanked her, feeling a wave of gratitude. “Laura, I’m so grateful you gave David your family ring. It means a lot to me.”

Her response was immediate, a cold laugh escaping her lips. “Oh, Belle, you’re so naive! You thought I’d give you our real family ring? No, dear, this one is fake. I keep the real one in a safe.”

Her words stung, but I masked my hurt with a polite nod, even as my mind reeled. This was not the reaction I had hoped for.

The rest of the dinner passed in a blur. Laura’s words echoed in my ears, each syllable a sharp sting. I forced a smile, trying to engage in the light-hearted chatter around the table, but my thoughts were elsewhere.

David, oblivious to the storm brewing inside me, continued to laugh and share stories with his siblings. I felt isolated, a stranger in what was supposed to become my new family. How could Laura think so little of me? I wondered if David knew about the fake ring. My heart sank at the thought.

After dinner, as we helped clear the table, I pulled David aside. “Did you know the ring was fake?” I whispered.

He looked puzzled. “What are you talking about? Mom said it’s been in our family for generations.”

The realization that Laura had deceived us both made my stomach turn. I didn’t want to cause a scene, so I nodded and let the conversation die. But inside, I felt betrayed. Not just by the fake ring, but by the lack of respect Laura showed me. It wasn’t about the ring—it was about what it represented.

That night, as David slept, I lay awake staring at the ceiling. The fake glitter of the engagement ring mocked me from the bedside table. Laura’s words, “You don’t deserve it,” haunted me. I knew I had to do something. Not for revenge, but to stand up for myself and show that I deserved respect.

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