Found this at a yard sale but I have no idea what it is – Thoughts?

If you want to be kinder to the environment, you may consider washing your clothes by hand every once in a while.

However, not using the washing machine for washing clothes could be time consuming and hard, so there are other alternatives, such as the hand laundry machine. These machines provide the same effect like the electric washing machines but use less water and no electricity. With minimal physical effort, you can reduce the chores on laundry day and save some money, too! On top of that, the hand laundry machines are way less expensive than the electric ones.

Jawad Ahmed, a laundry merchant at The Home Depot explains that “Using a portable washing machine doesn’t have to mean compromising.” Speaking to The Spruse, he added that “With just a smaller load capacity, a compact washer can penetrate deep into fabrics to eliminate dirt and odors, saving you water and energy with the same outstanding cleaning performance as a regular-sized washer.”

What’s great about these machines is that they are portable and smaller in size so you can place them anywhere you want when you don’t use them.

Would you consider giving it a try?

KJP Refuses to Answer And Cuts Off Peter Doocy – Watch It Here

Fox News Channel’s White House Correspondent, Peter Doocy, managed to do what he does best and absoIutely set off White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during the Thursday White House Press Briefing, questioning Biden’s border policy and causing her to boil over and shout him down.

Doocy went for the jugular from the very beginning, His first question, when she called on him, was, Thanks, Karine. So, what do you call it here at the White House when 10,000 people illegaIIy cross the border in a single day?

Predictably, that led to a messy back-and-forth KJP began by refusing to even pretend to answer the question, saying, So, what do you call it, Peter, when GOP puts forth a — wait, no Doocy, who could tell she wasn’t going to give an answer, said, Asking are you.

His interjection led to her popping off, snapping, No, no, no, no, no, no, you can’t

That then led to more of a verbal sparring match, with Doocy trying to get KJP to answer the question and KJP shouting him down, which cuIminated in her refusing to answer whatsoever and moving on, snapping, I tried to answer the question, and you stopped me.
Watch it here:

Doocy wasn’t done, however. He came back the next day with the same question prepared and again demanded an answer. When called on, he said, I — same question. KJP started laughing and Doocy insisted, Same question as yesterday.

Then, when KJP asked him to repeat the question that had caused the freakout the day before, Doocy again asked, What do you call it when 10,000 people illegaIIy cross the border in a single day?

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