Kids with kids: Where are Britain’s youngest parents now

When the story of then 13-year-old Alfie Patten went viral, then Prime Minister David Cameron stated, “I just thought how worrying that in Britain today children are having children.”

Even before reaching the legal age to buy party poppers, Alfie became the youngest ever father in Britain. It was later determined that another young man, slightly older than Alfie was the real father, and this incident ruined Alfie’s life completely. Even today, he’s facing plenty of issues, including alcohol abuse and problems with the law.

However, the story of Alfie and the girl who gave birth to his alleged daughter isn’t the only one of youngsters becoming parents in Britain.

Tressa Middleton, the youngest mother in Britain, who gave birth to her first daughter at the age of just twelve, recently announced she’s expecting her fourth child.

The now 29-year-old mom shared the news of her pregnancy on the social media by posting a photo of the ultrasound. She welcomed her latest child 17 years after she made headlines for being the youngest mother Britain has ever seen.

“So guys, it’s another girl!!” she captioned her post. “Four girls, I can’t believe it. Good luck, Darren.”

Former Britain’s youngest mum Tressa Middleton with her daughter in 2006

Tressa’s story is a heartbreaking one. Her parents were alcohol and drug abusers and her childhood was a tough one, to say the least.

She fell pregnant at the age of 11 and gave birth at 12, shortly after finishing elementary school.

Following the birth of her daughter, the young mom battled depression and started using drugs and alcohol, which resulted in losing the custody of her girl. The baby was put up for adoption.

The father’s identity was kept a secret until 2009, or three years after Tressa gave birth.

At one point, she broke down and confessed that her daughter was her brother’s who s******y assaulted her from the time she was seven years old.

The 34-year-old Jason was found guilty and sentenced to four years in prison in 2009.

Speaking to the Daily Mail in 2011, Tressa confessed that “sometimes he blackmailed or bribed me to do it.

“He’d say he was going to tell Mum. He’d give me things – joints, drink, cigarettes. Or he’d threaten me.”

Since then, Tressa has battled to put her life back on track and overcome her addictions, which cost her around £400 every day.

Up until 2011, Tressa was considered to be the youngest mother in Britain. But then, the news of an 11-year-old girl who gave birth filled the headlines.

The girl’s identity was kept a secret, but what is known, as per The Sun, that she was s******y assaulted and her family was unaware of that.

“It has come as a big shock,” a family friend said in 2021 to The Sun.

“She’s now being surrounded by expert help. The main thing is that she and the baby are OK.”

Prior to the case of Alfie, it was Sean Stewart who was thought to be the youngest father in Britain.

In 1998, Sean’s next door neighbor, Emma Webster, 15, got pregnant with his child. At the time, Sean was 11 years old.

A month after turning twelve, Sean’s son, Ben Louis, was born and Sean was granted a day off from school.

Sean and Emma were neighbors and according to her, he would climb to her rooftop to see her.

“He said he was 12, I’d never have gone out with him if I’d known he was 11,” she told The Sunday Telegraph at the time.

Shortly after giving birth, Emma married someone else and moved to a £200,000 house, while Sean continued attending his local school before leaving Bedfordshire in his early adolescence.

According to The Daily Mail, in the early 2000s, he was incarcerated for seven months for stealing.

Speaking of him, Emma said at the time, “I don’t know where Sean is or what he is doing. I don’t want to talk about it anymore because I don’t think it helps Ben.”

No matter how unbelievable these stories sound, the one that is the most shocking of all is that of Lina Medina from Peru who gave birth at the age of just five. Today, Medina is 89 years old.

When she gave birth in 1939, she became the youngest mother in the history. Allegedly, she suffered from “precocious puberty,” a disorder that causes puberty to start earlier than usual.

At the time, it was believed that Medina’s child was her father’s but he was eventually freed of all charges because of insufficient evidence.

Teenage couples of a comparable age who have consensual s*x in the UK and are under the legal consent age of 16 are unlikely to face legal action.

But all s****l activity with children under the age of 13 is illegal.

Entitled Neighbor Vandalized My Sick Grandpa’s Car – I Taught Her to Mind Her Own Business

When I saw the cruel message scrawled on my recovering grandpa’s dusty car, I was livid. But uncovering the culprit’s identity was just the beginning. What I did next would teach this entitled neighbor a lesson she’d never forget.

Two months ago, I was at work when my phone rang. It was Mom.

“Meg, it’s Grandpa,” she barely managed to speak. “He’s in the hospital. He—”

“What? Hospital?” I cut her off, totally blindsided. “What happened?”

A woman talking on the phone at work | Source: Pexels

A woman talking on the phone at work | Source: Pexels

“He had a heart attack,” Mom continued in her shaky voice. “We gotta go see him.”

“Oh my God, Mom, is he okay?”

“I don’t know, Meg…”

“I’ll be there as fast as I can, Mom,” I replied as I quickly logged out of my work email.

The thing is, Grandpa Alvin is my rock, my confidant, and my favorite person in the world. It won’t be wrong to say that I love him more than Mom. Shh! It’s a secret!

An older man standing in his house | Source: Midjourney

An older man standing in his house | Source: Midjourney

And that phone call from Mom had turned my world upside down. I could literally feel a knot in my stomach as I rushed out of my office after informing my boss about Grandpa’s condition.

The drive home from my workplace is a blur. I don’t remember how I got there, but I quickly picked Mom up before we rushed to the hospital.

A woman driving a car | Source: Pexels

The drive from our house to the hospital was about 45 minutes long. And let me tell you, those were the longest, most painful 45 minutes of my life. Mom kept crying the entire time, while I could feel my heart pounding inside my chest.

Once we reached there, a nurse told us that Grandpa was in the operating room. After what felt like an eternity, the doctor came out.

A close-up shot of a doctor's arms crossed on his chest | Source: Pexels

A close-up shot of a doctor’s arms crossed on his chest | Source: Pexels

“The surgery was successful, but he needs rest and care,” he told us. “He needs to eat a heart-healthy diet, low in salt and saturated fats. Regular, gentle exercise is crucial. And absolutely no stress.”

“Alright, doc,” I nodded. “But when can we see him?”

“Is he really okay?” Mom asked impatiently.

“Don’t worry,” the doctor reassured her. “He’s resting comfortably now. The nurses will let you know when it’s a good time to visit.”

A doctor talking to a woman | Source: Midjourney

A doctor talking to a woman | Source: Midjourney

Grandpa was allowed to go home a few days later, but there was a problem. He lives in another town, and we couldn’t visit him every day to look after him.

As a result, we hired a full-time nurse.

She was a godsend, agreeing to cook for him too. For two months, Grandpa didn’t leave his apartment and focused solely on his recovery.

Last week, I realized it had been too long since I’d seen him.

A woman sitting on a chair, thinking | Source: Midjourney

A woman sitting on a chair, thinking | Source: Midjourney

“Mom,” I said over breakfast, “I’m going to visit Grandpa this weekend. Wanna come?”

Her eyes lit up.

“That’s a wonderful idea, honey,” she smiled. “I’ll come with you. He’ll be so happy to see us!”

“Perfect!” I said before I took a bite of my scrambled eggs.

On Saturday, I woke up early, bought a bouquet of Grandpa’s favorite bright yellow sunflowers, and drove all the way to his place with Mom.

A bouquet of sunflowers on a car | Source: Pexels

I couldn’t wait to meet him and see his face light up. I was expecting a day full of Grandpa’s stories, unaware of what was waiting for us there.

As we pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex, I spotted his old, beat-up car. It was covered with a thick layer of dust, clearly proving he hadn’t driven it since getting sick.

But as we got closer, something made my blood boil.

A woman in a car | Source: Midjourney

A woman in a car | Source: Midjourney

Someone had left a message on the rear windscreen. It seemed like they had written it using their finger. It looked fresh.


I was absolutely furious. How could someone be so cruel to an old man who’s been too sick to even get out of bed, let alone clean his car?

A woman in a car, looking angry | Source: Midjourney

A woman in a car, looking angry | Source: Midjourney

“Oh my God,” Mom gasped. “Who would do such a thing?”

I clenched my fists. I could feel my cheeks burn with rage.

“Some entitled jerk with nothing better to do than harass a sick old man, that’s who.”

Then, I felt Mom’s soft hand on my arm.

“Honey, calm down,” she said. “Let’s not upset your grandfather.”

I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself.

“You’re right. Let’s go see him.”

A parking lot of an apartment complex | Source: Pexels

A parking lot of an apartment complex | Source: Pexels

We quickly headed up to Grandpa’s apartment. I rang the bell, waiting for him to open the door.

“My girls!” he smiled from ear to ear. “What a wonderful surprise!”

“Grandpa!” I hugged him tight. “You look so good! So handsome!”

“Well, of course I do!” he chuckled. “When have I ever not looked handsome? Even in my hospital gown, I was turning heads left and right!”

An older man in his house, smiling | Source: Midjourney

An older man in his house, smiling | Source: Midjourney

As we headed inside, I couldn’t stop thinking of the cruel message on his car. I couldn’t erase that image from my mind.

“Megan? Are you listening, sweetheart?” Grandpa’s voice snapped me back to reality.

“Sorry, Grandpa. I was just… thinking. How are you feeling?”

We chatted for a while, but my mind kept drifting to that message. I needed to do something about it.

“Hey, I need to take care of something real quick,” I said, standing up. “Mom, can you stay with Grandpa? I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

A woman talking to her mother | Source: Midjourney

A woman talking to her mother | Source: Midjourney

“Sure, honey,” Mom said.

In no time, I headed down to the security office near the entrance, where I met a bored-looking guy sitting behind the desk.

“Excuse me,” I said. “I need to see the security camera footage from the parking lot.”

He raised an eyebrow as he straightened his back.

“Sorry, ma’am. We can’t just show that to anyone who asks.”

A security guard | Source: Midjourney

A security guard | Source: Midjourney

I leaned in, lowering my voice.

“Look, my grandfather lives here. He’s been very ill, and someone vandalized his car with a horrible message. I need to know who did it.”

The guard hesitated, then nodded.

“Alright, just this once.”

We reviewed the footage from the last few days when I suddenly saw an older, snooty-looking woman, heading towards Grandpa’s car. She took her sweet time to write that awful message on his car.

An older woman standing near a black car | Source: Midjourney

An older woman standing near a black car | Source: Midjourney

“Who is this?” I asked the guard.

“That’s Briana from 4C,” he said. “Always causing trouble.”

I thanked him and turned to leave, but he stopped me.

“Wait, there’s something else. I overheard some of the neighbors talking in the lobby last week. Apparently, this Briana woman has been giving your grandfather a hard time for months now.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

He scratched his chin thoughtfully.

A security guard talking to a woman | Source: Midjourney

A security guard talking to a woman | Source: Midjourney

“Well, they were saying she’s been complaining about every little thing. Like, she’d make a fuss if his newspaper was left out too long, or if his welcome mat wasn’t perfectly straight. One of the ladies even mentioned that Briana tried to get your grandpa fined for having a potted plant that was ‘an unapproved color’ or something ridiculous like that.”

“Are you serious? Why hasn’t anyone done anything about this?”

“Most folks just try to avoid her, I guess,” he shrugged.

An older woman talking angrily | Source: Midjourney

“Your grandpa’s too nice to make a big deal out of it. But between you and me, I think everyone’s getting pretty fed up with her attitude.”

Yeah, my grandpa’s nice, but I’m not, I thought to myself before marching straight to Briana’s apartment.

The door opened soon after I knocked on it.

“Can I help you?” she asked.

“I’m Alvin’s granddaughter,” I said, struggling to keep my voice steady. “I saw what you wrote on his car. You have no right to humiliate him like that!”

A young woman talking to her grandfather's neighbor | Source: Midjourney

A young woman talking to her grandfather’s neighbor | Source: Midjourney

“I don’t care,” she shrugged. “If he can’t keep up with community standards, maybe he shouldn’t be living here.”

And with that, she slammed the door in my face.

I was livid. It was clear that talking to her wasn’t going to get anywhere, so I decided to handle it my own way. I came up with a plan to teach her a lesson. All I needed was a roll of duct tape and a paper with evidence.

A woman leaving a building | Source: Midjourney

A woman leaving a building | Source: Midjourney

The next day, I took a screenshot of the security camera footage, ensuring Briana’s face was clear, and got it printed. Then, in big, bold letters, I wrote: “SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! Lady from Apt 4C is abusing elderly neighbors.”

I taped that sign right in the elevator where everyone would see it. It was crystal clear who she was and what she’d done.

Within a day, the whole building was buzzing.

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