10 Hairstyles That Can Ruin Even a Flawless Look

Even the most elaborate look can be spoiled by a bad hairstyle which can easily make you look 10 years older, distort your facial features or even your body. We’ve put together 10 hairstyles that are worth avoiding.

Contrasting coloring

Contrast coloring is considered outdated. Nowadays, more natural and soft transitions are in vogue. Smooth and barely noticeable accents on individual strands look much more refined and sophisticated, adding freshness to your look and volume to your hair.

Blunt bob with baby bangs

Recently, some celebrities returned to a controversial trend from the 1990s and got very short bangs. However, stylists believe that women after 40 should avoid baby bangs because these can make them look older.

Straight bangs that reach eyebrows

Many people believe that these bangs help you visually correct the height of the forehead and make the face more symmetrical. But it can play a bad joke on your appearance — it can visually age a person and steal hair volume.

Complicated braids

We are used to seeing Rosamund Pike with short, straight hair. But recently, the actress appeared in public with a slightly longer hairstyle. But it doesn’t always look up-to-date, like these braids, for example.

Currently, complicated braids are giving way to simpler hairstyles. The more natural and careless hairstyle with braids is better.

Unnatural hair coloring

Hilary Duff decided to make drastic changes in her looks after the divorce from her first husband, and we can understand that. But bright, unnatural colors, like blue, green, or pink, are becoming less and less popular. More muted shades that emphasize individuality without being too extravagant are in fashion now.

Middle-parted, chin-length bobm

Hair stylists believe that this bob often emphasizes fine lines, wrinkles and signs of thinning hair on mature women. It’s best to opt for a bob with a side parting or a pixie cut.

Bob with blunt bangs

Experts believe that this haircut can visually add age. The length of the bangs is key here. If it covers the eyebrows, it highlights signs of aging. In addition, the jaw seems more massive than it really is.

Shaved sides

Haircuts with shaved sides were at the peak of popularity 15 years ago, but now they are losing their positions. Many people believe that this type of haircut distorts the appearance.

But Tilda Swinton just loves short haircuts and has stayed loyal to them for many years. Let’s look at the photos above: in the left photo, the actress’s sides look too short, while in the right photo, the hair softly frames her face.Thick side-swept bangs

Thick side-swept bangs

These bangs tend to distort facial features because they can easily cover one eye. In addition, they draw attention to skin imperfections.


The mallet hairstyle can be roughly described as «shorter in the front, longer in the back.» Modern fashion trends tend to favor more harmonious and versatile haircuts that can be easily adapted to different looks.

And here are hairstyle tips that can help you enhance your facial features.

Preview photo credit Invision/Invision/East News, zz/Pluto/STAR MAX/IPx/Associated Press/East News, Vianney Le Caer/Invision/East News

Dog Stuck In A Manhole – He Was Whimpering So Hard But People Just Passed By Until A Girl Saw Him

They told us that they had seen the dog steal food from a nearby shop, and the owner of the store and raised had pushed the dog into the sewer.

Unfortunately the dog had gotten stuck there and was unable to climb out, we tried to reach the dog with ropes and sticks but it was of no use foreign.

Was too deep and the dog was too frightened to come towards us, we could hear it whimpering From Below and our hearts broke for the helpless animal after several attempts we knew that we needed more

They’re huddled in the corner was a frightened dog it was shaking uncontrollably and its eyes. After several attempts the dog finally allowed the officer to pet it, he slowly lifted the dog out of the manhole and handed it over to us.

We thanked the police officer for their help and promised to find the dog a new loving home the officers told us they would take care of the shop owner and find him for mistreating a stray animal


A Mother Dog’s Heroic Act To Safeguard Her Puppies From A Falling Tree

Wheп it comeѕ to the pгofouпd foгce of motheгly love, oпe caппot deпy the leпgthѕ to which a motheг will go to pгotect heг offѕpгiпg.

Thiѕ tгuth iѕ paгticulaгly evideпt iп the aпimal kiпgdom, wheгe mateгпal iпѕtiпctѕ aгe paгamouпt foг ѕuгvival. A poigпaпt illuѕtгatioп of thiѕ devotioп caп be fouпd iп the accouпt of a motheг dog who made the ultimate ѕacгifice to ѕafeguaгd heг youпg iп the face of aп obѕtacle.

Aѕ the youпg pup giпgeгly made itѕ way acгoѕѕ itѕ motheг’ѕ back, the buгdeп became too much foг heг to beaг, гeпdeгiпg heг uпable to гiѕe agaiп. Deѕpite heг evideпt paiп aпd diѕcomfoгt, the motheг dog maiпtaiпed heг poѕitioп uпtil help aггived. Heг ѕelfleѕѕ act of love had pгeѕeгved heг puppy’ѕ life but had exacted a ѕubѕtaпtial toll oп heг owп well-beiпg.

Thiѕ tale ѕeгveѕ aѕ a teѕtameпt to the iпdomitable poweг of mateгпal love aпd the extгaoгdiпaгy leпgthѕ to which a motheг will go to ѕhield heг offѕpгiпg. It ѕeгveѕ aѕ a poigпaпt гemiпdeг that love tгaпѕceпdѕ bouпdaгieѕ, aпd the boпd betweeп a motheг aпd heг child iѕ uпbгeakable. The motheг dog’ѕ ѕacгifice exemplifieѕ the uпwaveгiпg love that exiѕtѕ withiп the mateгпal boпd.


A Dog Fights A Massive Tumor, With The Vet Recommending Leg Amputation For Treatment

Rescuers in Thailand’s Phetchabun Province saw a sad homeless dog with a big tumor straining to move in agony.

She’d been suffering from this tumor for so long that no one would help her when it got too big.

It took nearly 6 hours for rescuers to bring her 455.5 kilometers from Phetchabun province to Pattaya for treatment.

A bad growth on her abdomen devastated her miserable life, and she ended up living on the streets without food.

Even though the wounds are dry, she is doing significantly better one month after a successful operation and tumor removal.

She’s starting to walk again and getting to know her three legs…


Heartbreaking! The dog was attacked by thousands of parasites in the mouth, unable to eat or drink for many days

It’s upsetting to read about a dog being hurt by parasites, especially when it affects their ability to eat and drink. This is a common problem in many dogs, especially if they have not had adequate preventative care.

Hundreds of parasites attacking a dog’s mouth might cause рai and discomfort. These parasites can cause inflammation and infection, making it difficult for the dog to swallow or even open his mouth. In some situations, the parasites might also cause bleeding, which can complicate matters further.

If a dog cannot eat or drink for several days, it may develop an eo problem. Dogs require regular access to food and water in order to stay healthy, and prolonged starvation or dehydration can lead to a variety of health concerns. If the dog is not treated, it will become weak and malnourished, making it more difficult to battle parasites and other ailments.

If you feel your dog has a parasite infection, you should seek veterinary care as soon as possible. A veterinarian can do a thorough examination and offer the necessary therapy to restore your dog’s health.

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