Melody Thomas Scott, famed for her role on “The Young and the Restless,” unveils harrowing details of her past in her 2020 memoir, “Always Young and Restless

Born into a Hollywood tapestry, her early life was marred by dark shadows.Enduring sexual abuse at the hands of her grandmother and neglect from a mother who turned a blind eye, Scott’s home life was a stark contrast to her public success.Her sanctuary was the acting world, where the staged dramas paled in comparison to her personal horrors.

After leaving her toxic household at age 20, she struggled to find peace and forgiveness.Now a mother and advocate, Scott channels her pain into awareness, battling the stigmas of abuse with her own stark, lived truths.

If you spot these mysterious black dots in your kitchen, you had better know what they mean

Finding things in our houses that don’t seem to have a clear reason why is never very enjoyable.

I don’t know about you, but as soon as I see a mark on the wall that wasn’t there before or even the tiniest hint of an odd scent, I start to worry about whether it will get worse and whether it will ultimately cost me money to remedy.

I can therefore relate to an internet user who purportedly became alarmed when she noticed that black spots were mysteriously appearing in her kitchen.

It goes without saying that odd markings or inexplicable finds in the kitchen of all places can frequently raise concerns.

This is the room of your home where food is prepared, so naturally, you want to be completely in charge of everything that happens there.

However, one homeowner could not figure out the reason for a string of odd black dots she kept discovering.”Is there anyone who knows what these points could be?” She posted a question in the “WeLoveMrsHinch” Facebook page.

“They started off on the kitchen tiles and this morning they ended up on top of the PC we keep in the kitchen.”

Though the responses weren’t perhaps what she was hoping for, she was fortunate that other Facebook users were able to provide her with a conclusive response.

As you look over it, you’ll undoubtedly see a spider, someone commented on her post.

Another user said, “This time of year, spiders pooping everywhere happens a lot.”

Spiders “don’t leave solid droppings; instead, their droppings are thick and liquid,” resembling dark ink stains that frequently occur on walls and other surfaces, according to the Pest Guidance website.

According to the website, “their faeces look like splats or drips in the shades of black, brown, white, or grey.”

“Depending on the species, the color or type of feces varies, but you can generally anticipate dark splats or drips.”

“The combination of food and other waste materials released from the spider’s body is represented in these droppings.”

To be sure, I had no idea what spider droppings were. Did you?

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