David Beckham Explains Why He Kisses His 11-Year-Old Daughter on the Lips

Kissing your child on the lips can potentially lead to cavities, trigger allergic reactions, and blur their understanding of personal boundaries. Despite the potential risks, celebrities like David Beckham persist in sharing pictures of themselves kissing their children on the lips. Although they receive criticism for this practice, many parents see it as a harmless way to express affection.

It’s his way of expressing affection.

The former Manchester United star faced criticism from some fans after sharing a photo of himself kissing his daughter on the lips. However, he firmly believes that this gesture is an innocent way to express love for one’s child.

“I’m very affectionate with the kids. It’s how I was brought up and Victoria, and it’s how we are with our children,” he said. “We want to show our kids love, and you know, we’re very affectionate with them,” he added.

He showers all of his kids with love.

Beckham has frequently posted selfies on his Instagram account, showing affectionate kisses on the lips with his 11-year-old daughter Harper. He has mentioned that he engages in this affectionate gesture with almost all of his children.

“I got criticized for kissing my daughter on the lips. I kiss all my kids on the lips. Brooklyn, maybe not. Brooklyn’s 18, he might find that a little bit strange,” he previously shared.

He always puts his kids first.

Beckham became a father at a young age of 23. Despite his successful career and demanding schedule, he consistently prioritizes his family and ensures he makes time for them.

“I think you mature quicker with kids. You have more important things in life to worry about than your everyday worries, and life becomes all about the kids. I think that’s what you learn as a father, you become less important, and it’s all about your children,” he said.

He supports his kids in pursuing their dreams.

According to Beckham, none of his four children have expressed a desire to pursue a career in his footsteps, and he is completely supportive of their choices. “None of my children at the moment want to be a footballer. That’s okay, because you don’t want to force anybody into doing anything. It’s important to show kids love, support, encouragement. We’ve always supported our kids in whatever they want to do,” he said.

Just like David Beckham, many celebrities often share pictures of themselves kissing their children on the lips, but psychologists issue a warning against it. They caution that kissing a child on the lips may confuse their sense of personal boundaries and even encourage them to engage in similar behavior with other adults.

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Queen Camilla ‘outraged’ after Prince Harry’s visit to see his father for “loving son PR stunt”, claims source

Sensational reports claim that Queen Camilla was left enraged by Prince Harry‘s decision to rush home across the Atlantic after hearing of his father’s cancer diagnosis without first getting palace approval.

RadarOnline, citing the National Enquirer, have today made bold claims regarding the fractious relationship between Camilla and her stepson, including that the former was responsible for the meeting between Harry and Charles being held to only thirty minutes.

Harry flew back to the UK from the US upon being informed of Charles’s cancer diagnosis – reportedly by Charles himself – but his return did not seem to set the stage for any future peace talks, as some had hoped.

Rather, Harry’s actual meeting with his father was kept brief, with the King reportedly journeying by helicopter to the royal estate of Sandringham. Harry, it has been rumored, was not permitted to follow.

Exactly what father and son talked about is not known, nor is it likely to be shared with the public moving forward. Details of Charles’ cancer have also been held back from public knowledge; we know the King is receiving treatment, but very few are privy to what sort of cancer he is suffering from, or what stage he is in.

In any case Harry’s recent trip to the UK wasn’t a big hit with all the royals. It’s been heavily rumored that Prince William had no intention of seeing his younger brother, and RadarOnline have today published a report suggesting that Queen Camilla was left seething as a result of her stepson’s actions.

“Her Majesty was furious Harry flew in from his ritzy California home without getting palace approval — and came with an attitude,” a source is said to have told the National Enquirer.

The same report states that Harry ordered that Camilla leave the room before he talked to his father – needless to say, this was not well received by Camilla.

“I’m told Camilla was outraged,” the source went on. “She’s taken a lot of bile from Harry for years and couldn’t wait to let him have it.”

Harry and Camilla have been at odds with one another for years now, allegedly stemming from Harry’s insistence that she was to blame for breaking up the marriage between Charles and Princess Diana.

“Camilla has taken it all on the chin, but using her husband’s cancer as a ‘loving son’ PR stunt was the last straw,” the source continued.

“After the father-son reunion, I hear she told Harry he’s a disgrace to his father, the family and the monarchy — and she left no doubt he isn’t wanted back!”

What do you think about the alleged animosity between Queen Camilla and Prince Harry? Let us know in the comments!

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