Michael Jacksoп is ALIVE aпd secretly prepariпg for a MASSIVE COMEBACK, pal Akoп coпfirmed!!! MJ’s prodυcer & stylist agreed too.

He has also claimed he was a close friend of the star towards the end of his life and released the tribute song Cry Out Of Joy after his death.
Jackson’s former stylist and hairdresser Steve Erhardt, who initially wrote a Facebook message to “believers” – the singer’s fans who still cling to the idea he is still alive – in 2017 saying he had a message for them.
The message said: “A tip for the believers, the Michael Jackson believers. You heard it here first, an announcement of sorts.

“And in a couple of months, or latest at the end of the year, you will be receiving some very good news.
“It’s almost unbelievable. And not even the family knows… but I do.”

Erhardt has never made public exactly what the post referred to.
In June last year he shared another enigmatic post showing only the leg of a man wearing Jacko’s trademark white socks and baggy, short black trousers.
The post said: “In a recording studio, somewhere in the world, in an undisclosed location, he’s coming soon.”

Further fuelling the strange conspiracy theories has been a YouTube channel, “BeLIEve” focused on debating if Jackson is still alive.
In one video, it states: “Michael’s friend, Hollywood hair designer Steve Erhardt, told us last year that he would give good news to Believers (I mean people who believe that Michael Jackson is alive).

“Now he shared something that excited the fans.”
Michael Turegano, who has investigated Jacko’s death for almost a decade, said that Erhardt’s claims should not be dismissed.
He said last year: “He’s been in contact with Michael in the past. So I think we should care what he says.”
Jackson died after suffering a heart attack in 2009 but some people have refused to believe that is really what happened.
His personal physician, Conrad Murray, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter over his death, which was deemed to be a homicide, the Los Angeles County Coroner ruled.

Why Do Oven Doors Shatter and How to Prevent It?

Oven doors shatter due to two main reasons: the type of glass used and imperfections within it. Most ovens use tempered soda lime glass, which is less tolerant to thermal changes, or durable borosilicate glass.

However, tiny flaws like nickel sulfide inclusions can cause the glass to break spontaneously, particularly during high heat cycles such as self-cleaning. To prevent such incidents, it’s important to handle oven doors gently, avoid using scouring tools or placing heavy objects on the door, and ensure dishes inside the oven don’t touch the glass.

Simple precautions like using soft cleaning tools and avoiding temperature shocks can significantly reduce the risk of shattering, keeping your kitchen safe and your oven in good working condition.

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