Internet Erupts as Dad Defends Kissing Son on the Lips!

Tom from England loves showing affection to his young son, Roman. However, when their sweet moments were shared on social media, not everyone was happy.

Some people criticized Tom for kissing his five-year-old son on the lips, accusing him of confusing his child. But Tom, from northern England, isn’t backing down. He’s using humor and simple logic to fight back against the trolls. Roman supports his dad, telling the critics, “You are all crazy!”

The bond between a parent and child is special and helps shape the child’s morals, principles, and personality. Every parent has their own way of raising their children, influenced by factors like culture, socioeconomic status, health, or personal preference.

Tom, from Yorkshire, England, is a loving father of two. He doesn’t let the negative comments from trolls affect his parenting style. He often posts videos on TikTok and gets a lot of attention from women who admire his blue eyes, accent, fit and tattooed body, and most importantly, his love for his sons, 5-year-old Roman and Raphael Reign, who was born in mid-May 2023.


A lot of Tom’s videos on TikTok show him addressing accusations that he’s confusing Roman and putting him in danger of strangers or infections.

But Tom won’t give up.

On June 27, a user told Tom, “Just gorgeous both but don’t kiss him on the lips.” Tom responded by saying he would continue showing his five-year-old son love as long as Roman allowed it. Tom said, “I find it worrying that it bothers you. I will kiss my son, my five-year-old child, on the lips for as long as I deem necessary and as long as he lets me, right, because I love him to bits and he’s my best pal. One day he won’t want me to, and he probably won’t want much to do with me. So, for now, I’ll carry on as I am.”

Fans shared supportive comments like, “Love kisses with my kids and now my granddaughter–the people who think it’s wrong are the worry xx.” Another person, who lost her father, said: “Absolutely ridiculous! I always kissed my dad on the lips, and I lost him 2 years ago. I wish I could cuddle him and kiss him again.”

Tom replied to the kind comments, saying, “He is the most loving little boy, and it’s because we raise him with love. Thank you for these comments.”

However, one user’s outrageous accusation got a quick response from Tom. The person wrote, “Shouldn’t kiss him because of the bacteria in your mouth. Did you know you can make your child more susceptible to cavities if you have them and kiss them?”\

In a popular post with almost 123,000 likes, Tom shared a witty message: “Wow. So if I kiss my 5-year-old son on the lips, he’ll get cavities. He’ll get cavities from his daddy kissing him.” Tom then asked Roman what he thought. Giggling, Roman replied, “Don’t be silly!” and kissed his dad on the lips.

Fans had a lot to say about the unfounded claim that Tom kissing Roman could cause cavities. One person wrote, “Omg …who educated that person…you kiss away, you two,” while another added, “That is soooo ridiculous…and I work with a dentist. Carry on being the loving dad you are… your son is so cute.”

In early July, Tom posted a viral video of him and Roman sitting in a car, with nearly 579,000 likes. In the video, Tom said, “Don’t worry. Absolutely nothing’s going to change.” He then turned to his son and asked, “Roman, what do you think of people who say you shouldn’t kiss me on the lips?”

Roman responded emphatically, “You are all crazy. That’s my daddy!” The video ended with the pair sharing a sweet kiss.

Fans jumped in defending the cause of his post, and supporting the father, one writes, “Some people are just sick he is adorable and would soon tell ya when he gets older if he didn’t like it.” Another writes, “we kiss on the cheeks in my culture, but i really love that father-son relationship.”

One user chimed in and speaking to the Yorkshire father’s trolls, she asked “have you a problem with him kissing him on the lips because he is a man? Because if this was his mom, I’m sure you wouldn’t.”

Responding to the comment and thanking the woman for highlighting the issue, Tom said, “I’ve genuinely been curious about this because it’s something I’ve thought about too. I don’t think anyone would say anything if it was a mom kissing her little boy. For some reason, when it’s a dad kissing his son, people always have something to say, and I don’t understand why—it’s always this weird minority.” He added, “I’m glad a woman brought this up, so I really appreciate that. And I’m not changing anything.”

In another video, Tom looks visibly frustrated as he responds to a comment suggesting that kissing his son could make the boy vulnerable to dangerous strangers. The commenter wrote, “Don’t kiss your children on the lips, fact. Because not all humans have the right intentions. Do you see what I’m saying? Don’t make it acceptable!”

Tom joked in his response, “So the logic here is, if I kiss my five-year-old, he will think that he can go off and it’s okay to kiss strangers, strange adults… obviously!” Holding back his laughter, he continued, “So let’s apply that logic. I can’t have him in my car anymore to take him places because he could get in a stranger’s car and think that’s normal. He can’t live in my house anymore…well he could just walk into a stranger’s house and think that that’s normal.”

Then, the devoted dad suggested a different approach: “Or we could, now hear me out, we could… teach him that he’s got a mummy and a daddy and kissing them is normal but kissing dodgy Barry down the road is a bit weird.”

Most people in his online community support Tom and love seeing the affection he shows his son. They’re happy that Tom doesn’t back down to online trolls who have no right to tell him how to parent.

What do you think about dads kissing their children on the lips? Do you think it’s okay for moms to do the same?

World’s Richest Actor Worth $3 billion is Unknown to Most People

When the subject of the wealthiest actors is up, Dwayne Johnson and Tom Cruise are usually brought up first. The richest of them all, Jami Gertz, is among these well-known names, albeit his name may not be as well-known.1. Despite her extreme wealth, many people are still in the dark about her and want to know, “Who exactly is she?”

In the 1980s, movies like “The Lost Boys” and “Sixteen Candles” contributed to Gertz’s rise to fame. After that, she transitioned to television with ease, showcasing her abilities in shows like “This is Us,” “Seinfeld,” “Modern Family,” and “Still Standing.” Her four-decade career has solidified her place in the profession. But her extraordinary tale of achievement goes far beyond Hollywood glitz.

Beyond Stardom: Jami Gertz’s Incredible Wealth

Gertz is genuinely wealthy; her estimated net worth of $3 billion is not simply a Hollywood fabrication.2. In addition to her acting career, her marriage to millionaire husband Antony Ressler has allowed her to become extremely wealthy. The Atlanta Hawks of the NBA and the Milwaukee Brewers, of which they possess a minority stake, demonstrate the variety of their investment holdings. But their influence extends beyond sports.

Their altruistic endeavors have a noteworthy influence. Beyond financial advantage, their $10 million donation to the Ressler-Gertz Foundation demonstrates their devotion to the arts, education, health, and Jewish organizations. Gertz’s crucial role as a board member of the Melanoma Research Alliance emphasizes her dedication to philanthropic endeavors even more.

In addition to well-known singles from the 1980s like “Quicksilver” and “Less Than Zero,” Gertz’s career also included a period during which he studied fragrance development for Lanvin. Despite the unfavorable reviews she first received, her breakthrough single, “Twister,” propelled her to unprecedented heights. In the 2000s, she embraced television, receiving recognition and an Emmy nomination for her role in “Ally McBeal.”

A Gift Taken From the Platform

However, her immense wealth is not only a result of her acting prowess. Gertz’s and her husband’s financial circumstances changed as a result of their diversification into numerous business ventures. Ressler’s net worth is estimated by Forbes to be $7.1 billion. This broadens Gertz’s range of business endeavors, which already include ownership of lifestyle and consulting firms such as JG&A, LLC and Henry Rose. This varied approach demonstrates Gertz’s flair for business outside of the entertainment sector.

Gertz’s story challenges the typical Hollywood cliche. Her career progression from the dazzling films of the 1980s to her diverse business pursuits is a testament to her resilience, flexibility, and inventive spirit. Ressler praised Gertz’s noteworthy contributions and underlined how important a part she played in building their formidable business empire. Her tale is not just one of riches and achievement, but one of overcoming hardship, astute business sense, and unwavering commitment to leaving a lasting legacy.

Jami Gertz’s Philanthropic Vanguard

Gertz’s impressive $3 billion net wealth is just one measure of her success. Her union with wealthy husband Antony Ressler has made her incredibly wealthy. Their financial holdings are diversified in part by their ownership stakes in the NBA franchises Milwaukee Brewers and Atlanta Hawks. However, their impact extends beyond trade.

Their altruistic efforts are deeply moving. Beyond just cash, their record $10 million donation to the Ressler-Gertz Foundation demonstrates their commitment to the arts, education, health, and Jewish organizations. Gertz’s significant position as a board director for the Melanoma Research Alliance further demonstrates her dedication to charitable causes.

Gertz plays popular songs from the 1980s, including “Less Than Zero” and “Quicksilver.”Despite the initial unfavorable reviews she received, her career reached new heights thanks to her role in the massively popular picture “Twister.” In the 2000s, she transitioned to television after receiving critical acclaim and an Emmy nomination for her role in “Ally McBeal.”

However, Gertz’s financial success stems from more than just his acting. Their financial situation worsened when she and Ressler ventured into commercial ventures. Forbes estimates Ressler’s net worth at $7.1 billion. Gertz’s business endeavors complement Ressler’s, which also include lifestyle and consulting firms like Henry Rose and JG&A, LLC. This creative approach demonstrates Gertz’s acumen in business outside of the

The Durability of the Impact

Gertz’s story is not your average Hollywood fodder. Her journey from the great 1980s movie to her many business ventures is an inspiration to perseverance, flexibility, and a forward-thinking mindset. Ressler praised Gertz’s noteworthy accomplishments and emphasized the crucial part she played in creating their vastly influential business empire. Hers is a tale of achievement, astute business acumen, and unwavering commitment to leaving a significant legacy.

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