Before they ended their relationship, broke off their engagement, and fell out of love, they were one of the most famous couples in the entertainment industry in the early 2000s.

In 2021, “Bennifer” got back together, making fans around the world very happy. But despite hopes for a happy ending, things didn’t work out as planned.

Recently, there were rumors that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were having problems. This week, Lopez filed for divorce from Affleck. It’s worth noting that August 20 was the second anniversary of their surprise Las Vegas wedding.

Of course, there’s been a lot of buzz about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez’s decision to get a divorce. Almost every magazine and website covering celebrities is trying to find out how Ben and JLo are doing.

Meanwhile, Ben was seen getting off a plane with his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, and their child, Fin. He didn’t seem upset at all on the day Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner were seen taking a flight to Los Angeles after dropping off their daughter Violet at her college in Connecticut. All eyes were on Ben as he got off the plane, and fans were quick to share their thoughts on his demeanor.

One user on Instagram commented, “He seems relieved \  go Ben! ],” while another said, “He looks ecstatic. He rarely smiles like that, wow.” A third user remarked, “He’s celebrating.”

Even though this was likely just a family outing for Violet, the fact that Ben was seen with his ex-wife on the same day Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce made headlines.

Some people online were thrilled to see Ben with Garner and even speculated about the possibility of them rekindling their romance.

“He’s smiling again! He should stay with his family forever. \\\,” a fan wrote on Facebook.

Another admirer commented, “He’s always happy around @jennifer.garner . I hope they get back together because not every divorce ends badly. They were together for years and have kids.”

A third person said, “He knows where his true love is and where he feels safe and loved! Family is the most important thing.”

One online user suggested, “Garner might be dating someone just to cover up her relationship with Ben, which is why his other relationships don’t last .” This implies that Ben and Jennifer Garner might be getting closer again.

Reports also say that Garner celebrated her 52nd birthday with Affleck on August 15, just five days before the divorce news, at the rental house in Brentwood, California, where he currently lives.

It’s important to remember that any rumors suggesting Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are more than just co-parents are just that—rumors. They should be taken lightly.

Meanwhile, Jennifer Lopez, who has canceled her planned North American tour for this year, is rumored to have filed for divorce without a lawyer, suggesting she wants to handle it herself.

TMZ reports that there was no prenuptial agreement between JLo and Ben, as shown in the divorce filings.

Toby Keith Has Some Good News For Fans After Surgery

Though Toby Keith, the Iegendary country music singer and songwriter, has mostly been on a three-year sabbatical from singing as he battles back against stomach cancer, his recent on-stage appearance in Las Vegas showed audiences that Keith could be making a come back now that his stomach surgery is over and the can cer battle is going well.

So, as he gets back into music and performing, Keith appeared on the Bobby Bones Show, an entertainment industry-focused radio show, to taIk about his battle with can cer and how it is going.

He also spoke about what challenges he has faced as he, now that his stomach can cer battle forced him to take a few year break from singing after years performing, gets back into a very Iimited performing schedule.

Commenting on that, Keith said, I haven’t worked a handfuI of shows in the last three years, but I worked every year for 27-28 years. He then added that his chief concern was remembering the words, saying : The only thing I had that concerned me was being away from it for three years and remembering all the words.

They subconsciousIy come to you when you’re working, you don’t even think about it. You know them. Getting completely away from them and having to start back.

But, though he feared he would have to use a teleprompter to help him remember the words as he gets back in the swing of things, that proved unnecessary.

According to the country music legend, he easily refound his groove and the lyrics came flooding back to him.

Though the lyrics issue fortunateIy turned out to be a non-issue, Keith commented on an unexpected issue that cropped up as he started singing again: finding the stomach muscles to sing loudly and longly.

That issue came not just from his not having been singing in recent years, but from the stomach surgery required for his cancer battle.

He said, The thing I had to overcome—the surgery I had on my stomach they had to stitch on my diaphragm. Not using it to sing every night, that is a muscle.

So I had to really work that to get it where I sing really really hard and really really vioIent and loud, I didn’t have that last 10 percent on the bottom where I could just belt anything. Like when I sang ‘McArthur Park’ at Carnegie Hall, it’s like opera stuff. So, I don’t know if I could do that, but what I do on stage is no problem.

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