Boy Goes to Visit Twin Brother’s Grave, Doesn’t Return Home Even at 11 p.m. — Story of the Day

It was a parent’s worst nightmare come true when the Wesenbergs lost their little son Ted one Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately, it happened in a place that was supposed to be the safest for the family, where nothing should have gone wrong, yet everything did.

The Wesenbergs found Ted dead in their swimming pool. His body was floating like a pool float, and Paul Wesenberg had dived into the water to save his son, but it was too late—neither his mouth-to-mouth nor the paramedics he’d dialed could bring his son back.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Linda Wesenberg couldn’t bear the sorrow of losing her son, and she sat as pale, numb, and motionless as her late son at his funeral. Then as a week went by without Ted in the Wesenberg household, things turned chaotic, brutal even, and so harsh that little Clark couldn’t stand it…

Linda and Paul were struggling to cope with their loss, and they fought every day, every time. Clark heard loud noises from his parents’ room every night, and his mommy would get frustrated and eventually cry.

His daddy would blame his mommy for Ted’s death, and his mommy would blame everything on his daddy. Clark hid under his blanket every night, clutching his teddy bear and sobbing whenever he heard his parents bickering.

No loss is so profound that love cannot heal it.

When Ted was there with him, things had been so different. Their parents rarely argued back then, and his mommy was never sad and upset. She would kiss him goodnight and hug him before she tucked him in bed, but she no longer did any of that now.

She had also stopped making breakfast and often stayed in bed, telling him she was ill. Paul always made them toast and eggs for breakfast now, and he had started arriving home early to prepare dinner for them, but his cooking was not even close to Linda’s.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Clark missed his brother. He missed Ted so badly that he wished he had gone to the place where his brother was… because their parents no longer cared about their son, who was still alive.

All they cared about was who was to blame for their other son’s death.

One evening, things went from bad to worse. Clark heard his parents arguing again, and he was so frustrated that he couldn’t stand it. “Mommy! Daddy! Please stop!” he yelled as he stormed into their bedroom. “Please stop! I don’t like it when you fight!”

“Look, Paul!” his mother hissed. “I lost Ted because of you, and now Clark hates you!”

“Oh really, Linda?” Paul shot back. “And what about you? I don’t think Clark’s in awe of you!”

Clark’s parents forgot he was in their room and continued to argue. They began blaming each other for Ted’s death again, and Clark decided he didn’t want to stay there any longer. Their home was filled with screams and tears since Ted left, and Clark had started despising his home.

“I hate you both…” he whispered, tears running down his cheeks. “I HATE YOU, MOMMY AND DADDY! I don’t want to live with you! I’m going to meet Ted because only he loved me!”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Ted ran away from his parents’ room and out the front door. He paused to collect the dahlias he and Ted grew in their garden before running away to Ted’s grave in the cemetery only blocks away from their home.

“Look, you made him cry again. I’m sure you’re relieved now!” Paul snarled.

“I made him cry? Stop acting like I’m the bad person here!”

Linda and Paul continued to bicker, unconcerned about their little son, who’d run away to the cemetery alone. Clark sobbed as he pressed his fingertips against his brother’s gravestone and ran his fingers over the inscription.

“In the beloved memory of Ted Wesenberg,” read the engraving.

Clark bawled his eyes out at the sight of his brother’s grave. He missed Ted so much!

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

“I… I m—miss you, Ted,” he wept. “Could you please ask the angels to return you?”

“…and mommy and daddy are constantly arguing. Ted, they no longer love me. They hate me, and they don’t care about me. Could you please come back, Ted? Please? Nobody plays football with me, not even daddy…”

Clark had never felt so alone in his life. He placed the dahlias against his brother’s grave and sat down on the prickly grass, telling him about his heart’s concerns and how ignored and forgotten he felt.

Clark couldn’t stop crying as he told Ted how much he missed him, how difficult life was without him, and how much their parents had changed. He complained to him about the burnt breakfasts, how he had stopped growing dahlias, and how lonely he was.

Clark’s heart was so at ease after finally sharing his worries with his brother that he didn’t notice when the hours passed, and the sky darkened. The cemetery became deserted, and there wasn’t a single soul in sight. Yet, Clark decided not to go home because it was the first time since Ted’s death that he felt at peace.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Suddenly, he heard the rustling of dried leaves behind him. Clark looked around in fright. Who could’ve come to the gravesite at this hour? He sprang to his feet in terror as the sound grew louder and louder, still searching about.

Terrified he wasn’t alone, Clark whirled back to run, but he was too late. He saw several men clad in black robes approaching him. Their faces were obscured with hoods, and they held firebrands.

“See who has arrived in our dark kingdom! You shouldn’t have risked coming here, boy!” shouted one of the men.

“Who… who are you?” Clark asked in tears. “Please let me go!”

Clark was shaking in fear and didn’t know how to get himself out of trouble. The men didn’t let him leave.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

Clark was terrified of the dudes in robes, but then he heard a man’s booming voice. “Chad, back off! How many times will I tell you not to gather in my graveyard with your idiotic pals dressed in cult garb?”

Clark noticed the tall, well-dressed man in his 50s, as he approached. “Don’t worry, boy,” he said to Clark. “These boys won’t do anything. They’re worse than kids!”

“Oh, c’mon, Mr. Bowen!” The dude who stood face-to-face with Clark pulled off his hood and sighed. “Where else are our cult’s activities intended to take place if not here in a cemetery?”

“How about you stop burning your lousy report cards here and start studying instead? Back off, or I’ll tell your mother you often smoke here! I’m sure you wouldn’t take that chance. Now, you,” he gestured to Clark. “Come here, kid. Let’s get you home.”

Mr. Bowen seemed like a nice man to Clark. He dashed up to him and grasped his outstretched arm. Mr. Bowen took the boy to a small cabin and served him hot chocolate.

“What were you doing here at this hour?” the older man asked Clark.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

Mr. Bowen appeared to be a kind man, so Clark opened up to him about his parents and brother, how their lives had turned into a living hell since Ted died, and how he didn’t like his parents and didn’t want to go home.


Back home, Linda was panicking. She dialed Paul several times, but he wasn’t answering. It’d been over two hours since Paul left home after their quarrel.

She had been sitting at the kitchen table, venting to her friend on the phone all this while. As soon as she hung up and looked around, it hit her: Clark wasn’t around. Where’s Clark?

Linda’s heart was racing as she looked at the clock. It was past 11 p.m. when she checked Clark’s room and found him missing. Linda then went into the other rooms, the bathrooms, and the backyard, but Clark was nowhere to be found. To her, it was as if he’d vanished into thin air.

She called Paul again, no answer. “Pick your darn phone, Paul!” she cried. “Oh gosh! What do I do now?”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Linda paced nervously in her living room. She had no idea where to look for Clark until… she remembered him coming into the bedroom when she and Paul were arguing.

“The cemetery!” she recalled. “He was going to meet Ted!”

Linda grabbed the house keys, locked the door, and hurried to the cemetery. As she turned to the first street, she saw Paul’s car. He pulled over and rolled down his window.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Clark isn’t home yet!” she said, getting inside the car. “Drive to the cemetery now!”

“What the hell?” Paul cried, starting the engine. “But when… did he never come back?”

“No, Paul! We were, well…” she paused. “We were so busy arguing that we didn’t notice!”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Paul and Linda hurried to Ted’s grave as soon as they got to the cemetery. But there was no sign of Clark.

“Clark!” Linda shouted. “Honey, where are you?”

Right then, Paul nudged Linda. “Linda!” he cried. “What the hell is going on there!? Look!”

Paul and Linda were taken aback when they noticed a fire in the distance and heard voices performing chants. As they approached the gathering, they saw several teens dressed in black robes performing some sort of ceremony.

“Oh Lord,” Linda cried out. “Could they… have done something to Clark? Oh no, we’ve just lost Ted, and now—”

“Linda, no,” Paul consoled her. “Let’s not jump to any conclusions. Wait right here. Excuse me, boys,” he began hesitantly, approaching them. “Is it possible you saw this boy here…”

One of the boys smirked as Paul showed them a photo of Clark. “Your son arrived at the wrong place at the wrong time!” he shouted. “Your son should not have come!”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

Paul looked intently at the teen, then at his friends. In those robes, they all appeared nothing but dumb, and they’d been burning what appeared to be their grade cards.

“Oh really?” he asked, putting his phone in his back pocket. “Well…” Paul grabbed the boy’s collar and yanked him forward.

“Listen, kid; You’d better speak out, or you’re going home with a broken nose!”

“Woah, woah, okay! Relax!” the boy Paul had warned said. “I’m…I’m Chad! And I saw your son. We did nothing to him! Mr. Bowen, the graveyard guard, grabbed him.”


“He… he took your son, sir. I swear. He lives right outside the cemetery! We just come here every night to scare people, that’s all!”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash


When Paul and Linda arrived at Mr. Bowen’s cottage, they noticed Clark and Mr. Bowen seated on a sofa through the window. The parents wanted to burst inside and hug their son but stopped in their tracks when they overheard him talking.

Paul and Linda were embarrassed. They listened in tears and shock as Clark spoke about his heart’s worries, and Mr. Bowen advised him to reconcile with his parents. “They still adore you, little boy,” the older man said. “Look, kid. I lost my wife and child. Their plane crashed, and I’ve lived in this nightmare for years, missing them every single day and night. What’s happened in your family is any parent’s worst nightmare come true. How about we be kinder to them?”

Clark agreed, nodding at some point.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

Instead of grieving the loss of what you don’t have, take the opportunity to appreciate what you do have.

Paul and Linda could no longer wait.

“I’m so sorry, honey!” Linda cried as she and Paul stormed into the cottage. She held her boy close as her tears flowed freely.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

Paul looked at Mr. Bowen apologetically and thanked him for saving Clark. “Thank you,” he said. “Thank you so much for what you did for our family just now.”

“No problem. I know the hell you’re going through. So, I understand. Hang in there.”

Eventually, Mr. Bowen became the Wesenbergs’ close friend. In months, idyll returned to this family’s household. They could heal from Ted’s loss and finally look at life positively.

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Man Rented His Apartment to a Sweet Old Couple – When They Moved Out, He Was Shocked By What He Found Inside

Man Rented His Apartment to a Sweet Old Couple – When They Moved Out, He Was Shocked By What He Found Inside

When I first rented my apartment to Hans and Greta, a sweet old couple with warm smiles and charming accents, I thought I’d found the perfect tenants. But when they moved out, I was plunged into a mystery that would shatter my trust and lead to an unbelievable twist.

Hans and Greta seemed like the sweetest couple I had ever encountered. Late seventies, gentle manners, and warm smiles that could melt the coldest heart.

Hans had a neat silver mustache that twitched when he laughed, and Greta had this kind, motherly demeanor. They spoke with curious accents that I couldn’t quite place, a mix of something European and quaint.

A happy elderly couple in the kitchen | Source: Pexels

A happy elderly couple in the kitchen | Source: Pexels

“I hope this apartment will be just right for you,” I said as I showed them around.

“It’s perfect,” Greta replied with a smile. “Just like home.”

They moved in smoothly, and for the entire year they stayed, there were no issues at all. They paid their rent on time, kept the place immaculate, and even left little thank-you notes when I came to check on the property.

A handsome apartment with wood floors | Source: Pexels

A handsome apartment with wood floors | Source: Pexels

They’d often invite me in for tea, regaling me with stories of their adventures back in the days when they were young. It was hard to imagine a more ideal scenario.

“Thank you so much for letting us stay here, Mark,” Hans said one afternoon. “You’ve been a wonderful landlord.”

“You two have been the best tenants. If only everyone was like you,” I replied, sipping the tea Greta had made. It was chamomile, fragrant and soothing.

An elderly couple enjoying warm drinks | Source: Pexels

An elderly couple enjoying warm drinks | Source: Pexels

“Do you remember the time we got lost in the Black Forest?” Greta asked Hans, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Oh yes, that was quite the adventure!” Hans laughed. “We were young and foolish, thought we could navigate without a map.”

“Ended up spending the night in a shepherd’s hut,” Greta added, shaking her head.

However, as their lease neared its end, something strange happened. Hans and Greta, usually so calm and measured, seemed to be in a rush to move out.

Household contents being packed into boxes | Source: Pexels

Household contents being packed into boxes | Source: Pexels

They were always in a hurry, packing boxes and arranging things in a frenzy. When I asked if everything was okay, they assured me with those same warm smiles that everything was fine.

“Just some family matters,” Greta explained. “Nothing to worry about.”

“Are you sure? You both seem quite frantic,” I pressed, concerned.

Packed items being carried down stairs | Source: Pexels

Packed items being carried down stairs | Source: Pexels

“It’s all good, Mark. Just some urgent family issues. We’ll miss this place, though,” Hans said, patting my shoulder reassuringly.

The day they moved out, they handed me the keys with an extra firm handshake and an apology for their sudden departure. I wished them well, feeling a bit sad to see them go.

“Thank you for everything, Mark. We hope to see you again someday,” Greta said, giving me a gentle hug.

“Take care, both of you,” I replied, waving as they left.

A hand bearing a bunch of keys | Source: Pexels

A hand bearing a bunch of keys | Source: Pexels

The next day, I went to inspect the apartment, expecting to find it in the same pristine condition they had kept it. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, but what I saw made me gasp in shock.

There was no floor. The hardwood planks that had been there were completely gone, leaving only the bare concrete underneath. I stood there, stunned, trying to process what had happened.

“Where the hell is the floor?” I muttered to myself, pacing around the empty rooms.

A room with its floored stripped out | Source: Pexels

A room with its floored stripped out | Source: Pexels

I took out my phone, snapped a photo of the empty floor, and sent them a text.

“What happened to the floor?” I asked, attaching the photo.

A few minutes later, my phone buzzed with a reply. It was from Hans.

A man studying his cell phone | Source: Pexels

A man studying his cell phone | Source: Pexels

“Oh dear, we are so sorry for the confusion! In the Netherlands, it is a tradition to take the floor with you when you move out. We assumed it was the same here. We were in such a rush because our granddaughter had just given birth and needed our help with the baby, and we didn’t have time to explain. We hope this hasn’t caused too much trouble. Please let us make it up to you. Come visit us in the Netherlands, and we will show you our beautiful country. With love, Hans and Greta.”

A man looking out the window, phone in hand | Source: Pexels

A man looking out the window, phone in hand | Source: Pexels

I read the message a couple of times, my disbelief slowly turning into a surprised grin. It was such a peculiar tradition, but it did make sense of everything. They hadn’t intended any harm; they were just adhering to a custom from their country.

The urgency in their departure was as sincere and heartfelt as they had always seemed, or so I thought.

I chuckled and replied, “I appreciate the explanation. I’ll need to replace the floor here, but no hard feelings. Maybe I will take you up on that offer to visit. Best wishes to you and your family.”

But something nagged at me. A tradition to take the floor, really? I decided to investigate further. I contacted a friend who was a private investigator and told him the whole story. He agreed to look into it.

A man inspecting documents with a magnifying glass | Source: Pexels

A man inspecting documents with a magnifying glass | Source: Pexels

A week later, he called me with some shocking news.

“Mark, you won’t believe this,” he said. “Hans and Greta aren’t who they claimed to be. They’re part of a sophisticated scam targeting landlords, stealing valuable items and leaving with the impression of an innocent mistake. Those floorboards? They’re worth a small fortune.”

“What?” I retorted. “How could they do this? I checked their credentials thoroughly, everything was above board. They had valid residential visas, good credit histories, and no criminal records.”

A man listening on headphones | Source: Pexels

A man listening on headphones | Source: Pexels

“They’re professionals,” my friend continued. “They move from city to city, targeting kind-hearted landlords like you. Their M.O. involves taking high-value items that can be easily sold.”

I was stunned. “I can’t believe it. They seemed so genuine, so… kind.”

“That’s how they get you,” he said. “They build trust and then take advantage of it.”

An outdoor antique market | Source: Freepik

An outdoor antique market | Source: Freepik

“We’ve tracked them down,” my friend continued. “They’re planning to sell the stolen floorboards at a high-end antique market. We can set up a sting operation to catch them in the act.”

“Let’s do it,” I said, determined to see justice served.

The plan was simple. We’d catch them in the act of selling the stolen wood. My friend, posing as a buyer, approached Hans and Greta, who were busy setting up their stall with various antique items, including my floorboards.

Two men shake hands in introduction  | Source: Pexels

Two men shake hands in introduction | Source: Pexels

“Excuse me,” my friend said. “I’m interested in those floorboards. They look exquisite.”

Hans smiled. “Ah, yes. Fine Dutch craftsmanship. We know because we are from the Netherlands ourselves. This is very rare, very valuable timber.”

“How much are you asking?” my friend inquired.

“For you, a special price,” Hans replied, naming a figure that made my P.I. friend’s eyes widen in surprise.

Police officers making an arrest  | Source: Pexels

Police officers making an arrest | Source: Pexels

As the transaction was about to go through, police officers moved in, as coordinated, surrounding the stall.

“Hands up! You’re under arrest for theft and fraud,” one officer barked.

Hans and Greta looked shocked but didn’t resist as they were handcuffed and led away. I watched from a distance, feeling satisfied, but also sorrowful. How could I have misjudged the character of these people so spectacularly?

The floorboards were recovered, and they turned out to be imported wood worth a fortune. In the weeks that followed, I had the floor replaced, and life returned to normal. But I often thought about Hans and Greta, the weird, invented tradition they had conned me with, and also their seemingly unwavering kindness.

Strips of wood in a pile | Source: Pexels

Strips of wood in a pile | Source: Pexels

A month later, I received a letter. It was from the real Hans and Greta in the Netherlands. They had had their identities stolen by the criminal gang, who had hired imposters to pose as them. They had been contacted by Interpol and made aware of the crime.

They invited me to visit the Netherlands and experience their genuine hospitality. “Dear Mark, we are so sorry for what happened. We hope you can find it in your heart to visit us and see the real Netherlands and meet its true people. With love, Hans and Greta.”

I sat back, letter in hand, contemplating the experience. Trust is a fragile thing, I thought, but also incredibly powerful when placed in the right people. Maybe one day, I would visit the real Hans and Greta and rebuild my faith in trust and humanity.

A man reading a letter | Source: Pexels

A man reading a letter | Source: Pexels

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