Dairy Queen store got in serious trouble after posting controversial sign

In 2017, a Dairy Queen in Kewaskum, Wisconsin grabbed attention online with a message posted in its front window, causing quite a stir across the internet.

Some words or expressions, like ”Merry Christmas,” can stir up controversy, even when they seem harmless to some.

In a world filled with different beliefs and traditions, what feels like a simple greeting to one person might come across as exclusionary to another.

It’s that clash of perspectives that can turn a seemingly innocent phrase into a hot topic. Take, for example, a Dairy Queen in Wisconsin that made headlines with a bold sign on its window — sparking a heated debate online.

For years, a Dairy Queen in Kewaskum, Wisconsin, has proudly displayed a ”politically incorrect” sign on its window. While locals have long been familiar with it, back in 2017, an out-of-town customer took notice and set the internet on fire.

The store’s owner, Kevin Scheunemann, is the one who put up the sign, and he stands by its message.

“I felt the sign was appropriate to hang in terms of being transparent about the views of the owner and staff supporting God and country,” Scheunemann explained to WeAreGreenBay.com.

The sign in Kewaskum

So, what did the sign actually say?

It proudly declared the restaurant’s stance on “political incorrectness,” emphasizing holiday greetings like “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Easter,” and “God Bless America.” It also included the phrase “In God we trust” and offered free sundaes to veterans on Veteran’s Day.


According to the owner, he decided to put up the sign back in 2012, after a customer was upset by Christian music playing inside the restaurant.

“I just felt it was more appropriate to disclose these kinds of expressions,” Scheunemann continued. “It just seems that those kinds of values and principles are becoming controversial in society.”

Despite the occasional controversy, Scheunemann stands firm, willing to have a conversation with anyone who disagrees, but also proud of his values.

”Pretty tasteless”

But as mentioned, not everyone agreed with Scheunemann’s perspective. One customer from Oregon posted the sign on Dairy Queen’s national Facebook page in 2017, complaining about its exclusive nature.

This sparked a flood of negative comments, with people like Steve Thomas from Milwaukee saying, “I feel this is a pretty tasteless thing to have posted at one of your franchises. The part I disagree with is his use of the term ‘snowflake’… he’s alienating half the population by using that term.”

Thomas continued, “The other thing I don’t like is him belittling ‘safe spaces.’ Young adults need a safe place to talk when they’re struggling but won’t go because of the criticism they might receive. That’s why I disagree with this sign.”

Despite the backlash, many showed their support for Scheunemann, with some people even traveling long distances to snap a picture with the owner.

I just had to post this. Naturally, it was really busy tonight. This customer comes up to counter and says he has…Posted by Kevin Scheunemann on Saturday, June 30, 2018

In response to the controversy, Dairy Queen released a statement:

“American Dairy Queen Corporation does not encourage our independently owned and operated franchisees to post non-business related messages. This sign expresses the views of this independent owner only and does not speak for ADQ Corporation or other franchise owners. We expect our franchisees and employees to treat every customer with dignity and respect.”

New controversy

Then in 2020, the same Dairy Queen found itself at the center of another debate when a Donald Trump campaign sign, placed next to the restaurant’s parking lot, was nearly stolen.

CCTV footage showed two people trying to take the large Trump sign, but they couldn’t fit it into their car. Scheunemann, who posted about the incident on Facebook, even offered a $500 Dairy Queen gift card for information leading to the suspects’ arrest.

Love it or hate it, Dairy Queen’s politically charged sign has certainly sparked conversation over the years.

Whether you’re all for Scheunemann’s unapologetic stance or feel it crosses a line, it’s clear that his message has struck a chord with people from all walks of life. From heated debates on social media to those who travel miles just to snap a photo with the sign, it’s a reminder of how a single statement can ignite a much larger conversation.

So, what do you think? Does Scheunemann’s sign represent standing strong in your beliefs, or is it a step too far in today’s divided world?

When she got home, she excitedly shared with her parents that she had made a new friend at school: Their surprise was evident when they saw the picture she brought with her

In the late summer of 1997, amidst the bustling halls of a Cape Town maternity hospital, Celeste Nurse awoke to a nightmare. Her infant daughter, cradled closely in her arms just moments before, was now inexplicably missing. A woman disguised as a nurse had stealthily absconded with the child while Celeste dozed off, leaving behind a void that would haunt the Nurses for two decades.

Year after year, they commemorated their daughter’s birthday with bittersweet celebrations, clinging to hope amid the anguish of uncertainty. Then, in a remarkable turn of events in 2015, a glimmer of possibility emerged. With the arrival of a new addition to the Nurse family, named Zephany, hope stirred once more.

Zephany bore an uncanny resemblance to their long-lost daughter, sharing not only her features but also her birthday. Astonished by this revelation, the Nurses wasted no time in seeking confirmation, enlisting the aid of authorities for a DNA test. The results validated their deepest yearnings – Zephany was indeed their missing child.

“DNA is a truth teller. It affirmed what our hearts always believed”, reflected Celeste Nurse on the profound moment of reunion. However, for Zephany, then known as Miché Solomon, the revelation unraveled her world. Despite her birth certificate asserting her origin at Retreat Hospital, records of her birth were conspicuously absent.

As the legal proceedings unfolded, Miché grappled with the revelation that Lavona Solomon, the woman she had always regarded as her mother, stood accused of kidnapping and fraud. Lavona professed her innocence, claiming she had received the baby from a woman named Sylvia, an assertion unsupported by evidence.

Ultimately, Lavona received a ten-year sentence for her crimes, leaving Miché to navigate the complex terrain of her dual identity. Reunited with her biological parents under the guidance of compassionate social workers, Miché wrestled with conflicting loyalties.

“It was a battle waged in the recesses of my mind and heart”, confessed Miché, torn between the families vying for her allegiance. Despite her reunion with her birth parents, Miché found solace in returning to Michael Solomon, the man she still considered her father, following her parents’ separation.

Yet, the reconciliation was fraught with challenges as Miché struggled to reconcile her two identities, opting to retain her given name rather than reverting to Zephany. While she maintains occasional visits to Lavona in prison, Miché endeavors to forge ahead, embracing the truth that, though painful, liberated her from a life built on deceit.

“I am both Miché and Zephany, a synthesis of two worlds”, she declared, embracing the complexities of her past while charting a course towards a future defined by authenticity and forgiveness.

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