‘Don’t Laugh, Man!’ : Wild Speech On His Youth Sports Experience…

President Joe Biden was giving a speech to Native American groups in D.C. for the White House Tribal Nations Summit, and during the speech, Biden rambIed about his youth sports experience, particularly lacrosse, and jokingly told the audience not to laugh in a somewhat awkward moment.

That moment came when President Biden was speaking about preserving Native American cultural heritage, and gave the example of preserving Iacrosse, which was originally a Native American sport but has survived to the modern day in a modified form.

Speaking on the across and cultural heritage issue, President Biden said, Folks, at the same time, we’re helping to preserve cultural heritage like Tribal languages and sports.

Sports Iike lacrosse. Joining us today are members of the Six Nations Confederacy who…

Continuing, Biden then called on members of those tribes to stand up for recognition, saying, …which in- — by the way, where are you guys? Stand up. Come on. Which invented Iacrosse nearly a thousand years ago. The game brought Tribes together, a force for peace, friendship, and healing. The Six Nations players are still among the very best in the world.

These Target Locations Are Scheduled to Close: Here’s the Complete List

Target, grappling with escalating theft and “organized retail cri me,” is set to close nine outIets across four states. Despite “adding more security team members, using third-party guard services, and implementing theft-deterrent tools,” the challenges with crime persisted. Below are the affected markets along with the remaining stores and employment data:
New York City
-Harlem: 517 E 117th St. (96 remaining stores, over 20,000 team members)
-University Way: 4535 University Way NE
-Ballard: 1448 NW Market St., Ste. 100 (22 remaining stores, nearly 4,000 team members)
San Francisco/Oakland:
-SF Folsom: 1690 Folsom St.
-Oakland Broadway: 2650 Broadway
-Pittsburg: 4301 Century Blvd. (32 remaining stores, over 6,400 team members)
-Galleria: 939 SW Morrison St.
-Powell: 3031 SE Powell Blvd.
-Hollywood: 4030 NE Halsey St. (15 remaining stores, more than 2,500 team members)
Over 150 stores remain operational in these regions. Target is boosting security through locking cases for certain merchandise and allying with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland Security Investigations division. “While we will continue to make meaningful investments throughout our business, we cannot solve this issue on our own,” the firm noted.

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