Annie Hawkins-Turner, better known as Norma Stitz, has lived with extraordinarily enormous breasts for a long time. Norma has a spot in the Guinness Book of Records for having the largest natural bust since, unlike many others, her 50 kg of breasts are completely natural. Standing at 168 centimeters tall and weighing 160 kg, her bust alone bears a large amount of her weight.
Norma’s large size caused problems for her from an early age. She received unwelcome attention from men and was teased at school. Typical tasks like sleeping in a comfortable position or sitting at a desk caused challenges. Norma accepts her curvaceous physique in spite of these challenges, rejecting advice to get surgery to smaller her breast.
Norma places a high value on her health and works out every day to maintain her body in shape. Her late spouse Alan was a major influence in her decision to accept her body and her self-worth. Norma has shared her message of body acceptance and self-love with the globe ever since Alan’s death in 2005.
Norma feels more attractive and self-assured than ever at 65 years old.
Her experience encourages people to love themselves completely and accept their bodies.
Navy Dad Comes Home To Newborn Son, Turns To His Wife And Says Four Words Nobody Expected
Every time a loved one is sent overseas, military families deal with tremendous difficulties. For many families, saying goodbye—possibly for the final time—is an agonizing reality.
It’s a daunting idea to consider the possibility of never seeing each other again. Military troops must make life-or-death decisions while on duty and must count down the days until they can go home. Their families also struggle, juggling obstacles in daily life without the help of a loved one. Keeping in touch while serving overseas is still challenging, despite the availability of contemporary tools like video calls.
Lt. Michael Lemmons of the US Navy also experienced this. His wife gave birth to their son while he was stationed overseas. Lemmons related this story to twenty-seven other crew members who had not seen their babies born. They could not wait to see their new family members when they returned.
Lemmons’s face beams in a touching video when he sees his wife waiting for him on the dock. He finally gets to see his newborn kid as he rushes to her side. She holds their small, darling child in her arms.
Lemmons erupts, overcome with emotion, saying, “He’s perfect.” I’m grateful. He wanted to thank his wife for bearing with him through the ordeal of giving birth and for keeping the household running well. He recognizes the difficulties of being a single parent.
His wife started crying when she heard his sincere remarks. While her husband was serving the nation, she felt appreciated for all that she had done. Even though her efforts were less apparent, they were clearly important.
Lemmons and his wife held their newborn in their arms. Now that their family was complete, they could finally mend their relationship. Lemmons loved spending time with his wife and new baby because he knew he wouldn’t have this much time to spend at home and that he would soon have to serve again.
Supportive remarks were made on Lt. Lemmons’s heartwarming reunion on YouTube.
“My husband was aboard the US Bataan when they were deployed for ten and a half months,” a viewer shared. When they returned home, they had about 150 new fathers—and that number did not include the Marines.
What do you think of this Navy father’s sincere response upon seeing his newborn son?
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