I Walked Out on My Wife at a Restaurant During Our 10th Anniversary – Her Mother Advised Me to Seek a Divorce After Learning the Reason

“Everything okay?” I asked as we sat down.

Fiona glanced up, startled. “Oh, yeah. Just checking something quick.”

I nodded, trying to hide my disappointment. This was supposed to be our special night, but she seemed a million miles away.

The waiter appeared with menus. “Can I interest you in our anniversary special? A bottle of champagne to start?”

“That sounds perfect,” I said, smiling at Fiona. “What do you think, honey?”

She was staring at her phone again. “Hm? Oh, sure. Whatever you want.”

I sighed and ordered the champagne. As the waiter walked away, I reached across the table and gently touched Fiona’s hand.

“Hey, can we maybe put the phones away? It’s our anniversary.”

Fiona looked guilty. “You’re right, I’m sorry. It’s just this new video series I found —”

I tried to keep the irritation out of my voice. “Another prank channel?”

“They’re hilarious, Aidan! You should see some of these —”

I tuned out as she launched into a description of the latest viral prank. My mind wandered back to the past few weeks, and I felt my stomach tighten.

It had started innocently enough, Fiona showing me funny videos on her phone, and both of us laughing. But then she’d started trying to recreate them at home.

There was the time she jumped out from behind the shower curtain, nearly giving me a heart attack. The fake spider in Nora’s lunchbox that made our daughter cry. The “broken” glass prank that left Callum afraid to touch anything in the kitchen for days.

Each time, Fiona would laugh it off. “It’s just a joke!” she’d say. “Don’t be so serious!”

But I’d seen the fear in our kids’ eyes, felt the constant tension in my own shoulders. It wasn’t funny anymore. It was exhausting.

I snapped back to the present as the waiter returned with our champagne. Fiona was still talking, gesturing animatedly about some YouTuber’s latest stunt.

Fiona stood up abruptly. “I need to use the restroom. Be right back.”

I watched her walk away, a sense of unease growing in my stomach. Something felt off.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted behind me. I turned to see Fiona stumbling between tables, clutching her throat.

“I can’t breathe!” she gasped, falling to her knees. “Help me!”

The restaurant erupted in chaos. People rushed to her side, calling for help. I sat frozen, unable to process what was happening.

Then Fiona started laughing. “Just kidding!” she announced, getting to her feet. “It was a prank!”

The silence that followed was deafening. I felt the eyes of every patron boring into me. Fiona grinned, oblivious to the horror on everyone’s faces.

“Ma’am, that was extremely inappropriate,” the manager said, approaching our table. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

I stood up, grabbing my coat. “I’m leaving,” I said, my voice tight with anger. “Without my wife. You can get an Uber home on your own,” I informed her.

Fiona’s smile faltered. “Aw, come on. It was just a joke!”

I didn’t even respond. I couldn’t even look at her. I rushed out to the car and made off before she had time to respond — besides, she needed to settle the bill anyway.

As soon as I got home, I headed for the kids’ rooms. “Pack a bag,” I told Nora and Callum. “We’re going to Uncle Declan’s for a bit.”

An hour later, I was knocking on my brother’s door, two sleepy kids in tow. Declan took one look at my face and ushered us inside without a word.

“Guest room’s all yours,” he said, helping me with the bags. “Want to talk about it?”

I shook my head. “Not tonight. Thanks, bro.”

My phone buzzed incessantly with messages from Fiona. I ignored them all and tried to sleep.

The next morning, I woke to find 37 missed calls and twice as many texts. I scrolled through them, my anger reigniting.

“You’re overreacting.”

“It was just a joke!”

“How could you embarrass me like that?”

“You owe me an apology.”

I tossed the phone aside, disgusted. How could she not see how wrong she was?

As if on cue, my phone rang again. This time, it was Greta, Fiona’s mom. I hesitated before answering.

“Aidan! What’s this I hear about you abandoning my daughter at a restaurant?” Greta’s voice was shrill with indignation.

I took a deep breath. “Hi, Greta. It’s not what you think.”

“Oh? Then explain it to me, young man. Because from where I’m standing, you left your wife alone on your anniversary. That’s pretty low.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on. “Fiona pulled a prank, Greta. A bad one. She pretended to choke in the middle of a crowded restaurant.”

There was a pause on the other end of the line. “She did what?”

I recounted the events of the previous night, including Fiona’s recent obsession with pranks and how it was affecting our family.

When I finished, Greta was quiet for a long moment. Then she sighed heavily. “Oh, Aidan. I had no idea it had gotten this bad.”

“Yeah, well. Now you know.”

“I… I don’t know what to say. If things are really this bad, I… I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted a divorce.”

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. Divorce? Is that where we were headed?

“I don’t know, Greta,” I said honestly. “I just need some time to think.”

After we hung up, I sat on the edge of the bed, my head in my hands. Was this really the end of our marriage?

I spent the day in a daze, mechanically going through the motions of caring for the kids. By evening, I’d made a decision.

I called Fiona. “Meet me at the restaurant tomorrow at 7 p.m. We need to talk.

She agreed immediately, sounding relieved. I hung up before she could say more.

The next night, I arrived at the restaurant early. My palms were sweaty as I clutched the envelope containing the divorce papers I’d had drawn up that afternoon.

Fiona walked in, looking smaller and more vulnerable than I’d ever seen her. Her eyes were red-rimmed, her hair disheveled.

“Hi,” she said softly, as she took a seat alongside me.

“Hi,” I replied, my throat tight.

We sat in awkward silence for a moment. Then Fiona burst out, “Aidan, I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you or the kids. I just got carried away with the pranks and —”

I held up a hand to stop her. Without a word, I slid the envelope across the table.

Fiona’s hands shook as she opened it. Her eyes widened as she realized what she was looking at.

“No,” she whispered, tears spilling down her cheeks. “Please, Aidan, no. We can work this out. I’ll stop the pranks, I promise. Please don’t leave me.”

I let her cry for a moment, my own eyes stinging. Then I took a deep breath.

“It’s a prank,” I said quietly.

Fiona’s head snapped up. “What?”

“The divorce papers. They’re not real. It’s a prank.”

Her mouth opened and closed, no sound coming out. I leaned forward, my voice intense.

“This is what it feels like, Fiona. This is how your pranks make us feel. Scared, hurt, betrayed. Is this what you want for our family?”

Fiona’s face crumpled. “No,” she sobbed. “God, no. I’m so sorry, Aidan. I never realized…”

I reached across the table and took her hand. “I love you, Fiona. But this has to stop. No more pranks. Ever. Can you promise me that?”

She nodded vigorously, squeezing my hand. “I promise. No more pranks. I’ll delete all those stupid videos. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

I exhaled slowly, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders. “Okay,” I said. “Then let’s go home.”

As we stood to leave, Fiona hesitated. “Aidan? Thank you for not giving up on us.”

I pulled her into a hug, breathing in the familiar scent of her hair. “We’re in this together,” I murmured. “For better or worse, remember?”

She laughed softly, a sound I realized I’d missed. “I remember. Let’s aim for ‘better’ from now on, okay?”

I nodded, feeling cautiously optimistic for the first time in weeks. As we walked out of the restaurant hand in hand, I knew we had a long way to go. But at least now, we were on the same page.

And there wasn’t a prank in sight.

What would you have done?

Ty Pennington Hits Back with a Stunning Response After Body-Shaming Comments!

Ty Pennington is famous for being the handsome carpenter on *Trading Spaces*, the DIY show that inspired fans everywhere to try designing their own spaces.

After 20 years on TV, some fans are now suggesting that Ty should get a makeover himself.

Ty Pennington Hits Back with a Stunning Response After Body-Shaming Comments!

Ty Pennington is famous for being the handsome carpenter on *Trading Spaces*, the DIY show that inspired fans everywhere to try designing their own spaces.


After 20 years on TV, some fans are now suggesting that Ty should get a makeover himself.



Born Gary Tygert Burton, Pennington, now 58, is known for his playful side. He loves sharing funny videos of his dance moves on Instagram, often with his new wife laughing in the background.

Pennington is a natural entertainer. He used to be a model for J-Crew and initially wanted to be a graphic designer, working in construction to support himself while he was in art school.

After a serious car accident at 27 ended his modeling career, he decided to switch to carpentry.

“I thought my career was taking off, but then I had a terrible car accident,” Pennington says. “I put away my modeling headshot, grabbed my tool bag, and went back to construction. Nine years later, I got a call to audition for *Trading Spaces*… and the rest is history.”


Pennington first got noticed in Hollywood as a set designer for the 1995 film *Leaving Las Vegas*, starring Nicolas Cage. But it was his role as a builder on *Trading Spaces*—a show that changed how people think about home renovations—that made him famous.

After *Trading Spaces*, Pennington hosted *Extreme Makeover: Home Edition* from 2003 to 2012, winning two Primetime Emmy Awards for the show.

When Jesse Tyler Ferguson from *Modern Family* took over hosting in the show’s 11th season and for part of the 2020 revival, Pennington admitted on Instagram that it was tough for him. He felt his ego took a hit and started doubting himself. But he acknowledged that the job was never just about him and still considered it one of his best experiences.

Pennington didn’t let this setback stop him. He returned to *Trading Spaces* for its revival from 2018 to 2019.

Now, he’s a mentor and design expert on HGTV’s *Battle on the Beach*, which is in its third season, and he hosts *Rock the Block*, now in its fourth season.

Pennington has written two books: *Good Design Can Change Your Life: Beautiful Rooms, Inspiring Stories* and *Ty’s Tricks: Home Repair Secrets Plus Cheap and Easy Projects to Transform Any Room.*

He is also open about having ADHD and works to raise awareness about it.

In 2007, when he was 41, he was charged with a DUI. He was put on three years of probation and had to complete a 90-day alcohol program.

“Drinking and driving is never okay. I’ve admitted my mistake and will follow the court’s decision. I hope this experience helps others as much as it has helped me,” he said.

In November 2021, the popular builder married Kellee Merrell, a social media manager from Vancouver, who enjoys his daily funny posts.

Last year, after he posted a funny video of himself on the beach with his shorts hiked up, some fans criticized his now bigger stomach compared to his old six-pack abs. He responded with, “…by the way, I’m pushing my stomach out, but okay…”

The *Extreme Makeover: Home Edition* star, who still looks great, has faced negative comments about his age and appearance.

In a long Instagram post titled “Thoughts on Aging,” Pennington responded to the criticism he received. He reminded people to be kind to both men and women.

He wrote: “What started as a funny moment to make my wife laugh ended up being torn apart by strangers. With lots of views comes a lot of hate! Comments like ‘disgusting,’ ‘gross,’ ‘oh, he’s so old now,’ and ‘he’s gotten fat’ made me wonder if I’d get the same comments if I was still young and fit. There’s a strong movement to accept all body types and aging for women, which is fantastic, but maybe we should offer the same kindness to men?”

Pennington, known for *Trading Spaces*, mentioned that he was much younger when he first appeared on TV.

He said, “I often get comments like ‘What happened to him???’ Someone even said it’s due to ‘lack of exercise,’ which isn’t true. I work out harder than ever—seven days a week (being over 50 is no joke). What happened is that it’s been 22 YEARS since I first appeared on TV! No, I don’t have a six-pack or the same hairstyle, but I have gained wisdom, empathy, and life lessons. At 57, I’ve never been happier! I’m human and I have feelings. Yes, I’m older, but I think it’s pretty cool.”


We think Ty Pennington is still hot and we love watching his silly Instagram videos. What is your favorite show with Pennington? And did you catch the DIY bug after watching Trading Spaces?

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