Jaclyn Smith’s Surprising Love Story: How a Doctor Who Saved Her Father Became Her Soulmate at 51!

Jaclyn Smith, famous for her role in *Charlie’s Angels*, was married three times before she found true love with Dr. Brad Allen. Together, they faced many challenges, including her fight with cancer, which caused her a lot of worry.

In 1976, ABC launched the iconic show *Charlie’s Angels*, and Jaclyn Smith became a household name. She quickly rose to fame, and her role earned her many awards, including a Golden Globe nomination.

After *Charlie’s Angels*, Jaclyn appeared in many movies and TV shows. However, she wanted more than just a successful career. She dreamed of having a family, being married, and finding true love before starting a family. But finding the right person wasn’t easy for her.

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Jaclyn Smith was married three times before she found the right person, but her past relationships led her to the love of her life. Before becoming famous on *Charlie’s Angels*, she was married to actor Roger Davis from 1968 to 1975.

In 1976, during the time *Charlie’s Angels* was on the air, Jaclyn met her second husband when Dennis Cole guest-starred on the show. They married in 1978, but they separated in 1981. Despite the challenges, Jaclyn remained determined to find true love.

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In 1981, Jaclyn married Tony Richmond, a well-known filmmaker. It seemed like she had finally found the right person to start her family. They had two children together: Gaston in 1982 and Spencer Margaret in 1985.

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Being a mother became Jaclyn’s main focus. It was much more important than acting or any career. In 2017, she told People:

“The love that you have for your children, it’s like, ‘Oh my God. But this is even bigger — there are no words.”

Sadly, her relationship with their father ended, and they separated in 1989. But the fourth time was the charm. She met Dr. Brad Allen and married him in 1997. Their meeting seemed like something from a movie.

The surgeon, Dr. Brad Allen, had saved her father’s life, and after the surgery, Jaclyn’s mother encouraged him to speak with her. He later walked her to the hospital parking garage so she wouldn’t be alone.

Jaclyn fell in love with him because she saw “a purity of heart” in Allen, as she told *Closer Weekly* in 2014. Now, they are celebrating their 27th anniversary on October 11, and their love has stayed strong, showing that everyone can find the right person if they try enough times.

**Brad Allen: A Great Stepfather and Support During Cancer**

Jaclyn’s most important role is being a mother, and she’s also a grandmother now. But finding the right man meant marrying someone who could love her children, even if he wasn’t their biological father.

Brad Allen was perfect. He became a loving stepfather to Gaston and Spencer. However, their love would face a big test in 2002 that could have ended their relationship.

Jaclyn takes her health seriously and sees her doctors regularly. So, she went for a routine checkup in 2002. The doctor said they needed to do a biopsy on some of her breast tissue.

A biopsy doesn’t always mean something serious, and Jaclyn thought it would be fine. But a few days later, she was busy with errands and preparing for a trip to New York with Spencer, and didn’t expect bad news.

When Jaclyn entered the doctor’s office, she remembered the doctor asking if she “was alone.” Looking back, she said that was the first sign something was wrong. After that, the doctor gave her the news.

Jaclyn had cancer in her left breast. Luckily, it was small, and doctors found it early because she had regular mammograms. Still, hearing she had cancer was scary, and Jaclyn “panicked.”

All Jaclyn could think about was her trip to New York with her daughter, who was going to study dance with Alvin Ailey. Her daughter was still in high school, and Jaclyn was worried about both of them. Her son, who is four years older, was also on her mind.

Luckily, the doctor said her outlook was good, and they could use a gentle approach to treat it. But Jaclyn didn’t want that. She immediately asked for a mastectomy:

“I said right then, ‘Just take my breast off. I don’t want to deal with it.’ I just wanted to get it over with.”

Jaclyn later said she was not thinking clearly at the time. Her fear was too strong, and it guided her decision. That same day, she met with a surgeon. After calming down, she got in her car and called her family.

Both Brad Allen and Jaclyn’s mother didn’t want to believe the news about her cancer at first. But soon, they joined her in Los Angeles when they realized how serious it was. For Jaclyn, the hardest part was how little she knew about breast cancer.

She felt scared and couldn’t sleep, feeling overwhelmed. She was alone at the time and cried every morning during those first few days after hearing the news. “I went to a dark place. But then I read and educated myself,” Jaclyn said.

Luckily, Jaclyn was not alone in this. She had her loved ones to support her, and she also received comfort from her friends. One of her close friends, Kate Jackson, who was her co-star on “Charlie’s Angels,” had gone through breast cancer herself and helped guide her.

Once Jaclyn learned more about her condition, everything seemed clearer. The doctor told her that the cancer hadn’t spread to her lymph nodes, which made the treatment simpler. She wouldn’t need chemotherapy, which had been one of her biggest worries.

Jaclyn decided not to go through with the mastectomy. Instead, she had a lumpectomy and went through eight weeks of radiation after carefully considering her options. During this time, she was still busy with her career, working on her Kmart clothing line and home goods brand.

Jaclyn also appeared in the 2003 movie *Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle* alongside Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, and Lucy Liu. At the same time, she had a regular role on Craig T. Nelson’s show *The District*. But it wasn’t easy for her.

She explained, “I’d gone off hormones, so I did have some hot flashes. But I had so much love surrounding me, and work really made me feel good about myself too.”

Jaclyn said it was “amazing” how she went from being terrified to educating herself about the situation. In the end, she found the strength to fight for her health. She believes in facing fears head-on, a lesson she often shares with her children.

Most importantly, Jaclyn hopes everyone gets regular checkups because the best way to treat cancer is to catch it early. She shared that her mammogram the year before was perfect, with no signs of any issues. But just one year can make a big difference in your health.

People Wondered about the Purpose of These 6 Things & Got Unexpected Answers

The world is a captivating realm, teeming with enigmatic objects that never cease to astound individuals with their appearance and, of course, their elusive purposes. After all, not everything can be unraveled through a simple Google search, especially when you’re not entirely sure what you’re seeking.

Two hands holding a question mark sign | Source: Shutterstock

In our everyday lives, mysteries constantly pique our curiosity, compelling us to unravel their secrets. The internet, our boundless portal to knowledge, connects us with online communities of investigators passionate about exploring these enigmas. Through the digital realm, the pursuit of understanding has transcended physical boundaries, offering us a wealth of information and expertise at our fingertips.

A man in a white shirt scratching his head | Source: Shutterstock

Every click delves deeper into the fascinating tapestry of the world, revealing hidden stories and captivating facts. Yet, amidst these discoveries, a universal truth emerges: often, things are not as extraordinary as they first seemed to be. Here are six mystery finds that people wondered about and received unexpected answers.

6. Junk or Something More?

An original poster shared this picture online after finding what they decided to call a “scoopy doodad” in a junk drawer. Holding the mysterious item in both their hands, they turned to the virtual world for help and, of course, answers.

The Answer: According to netizens, the classic Sunbeam Mixmaster came with a juicer attachment, a bowl that could attach to the top of the mixer. The strange object happened to be the spout the juice would pour out of, with the wire part holding a small strainer to filter out the pulp.

5. An Old Cabinet Find

One user stumbled upon something in an old cabinet, which they said was made entirely of glass and had narrow holes throughout its length. Hoping to find out what it was, they shared the peculiar object’s photo online, and fortunately, many people were quick to solve the puzzle.

The Answer: The odd-looking glass object turned out to be a flower frog, used for holding a flower arrangement in a vase. The person who shared the answer said it had been made obsolete by foam and gels.

4. A Heavy Glass Object

This person turned to Reddit to share a picture of a glass object lying on a wooden table. They said it was extremely heavy, came with no markings, and bore a very narrow hole on its top. What could it be?

The Answer: The mystery of the bizarre-looking glass object was cracked by a genius netizen who used two words to solve the puzzle: Oil candle. We bet you didn’t see that one coming, or did you?

3. The Mystery Object Hiding inside a Bedroom Drawer

A Reddit user didn’t expect to find this unusual object while opening their bedside drawer. Upon closer inspection, they discovered that its bottom appeared to be made of suede or soft leather. But that was all they could manage to guess or conclude.

The Answer: Nobody could have guessed what it was until one user shared the answer and solved the mystery: It was a nail buffer. Even the original poster was shocked and said they clearly didn’t pay much attention to their nails.

2. What’s Hiding underneath the Floorboards?

Sharing the picture of a silver-colored object, somewhat resembling an antique scissor of sorts, one user couldn’t help but wonder what it could be. They said they found the bizarre thing under the floorboards in an 1800’s era home

The Answer: The mystery of the puzzling item was cracked by one netizen, who shared it was used to remove the top of soft-boiled eggs. Another user quickly confirmed that the answer was correct.

1. A Baffling Hotel Room Find

A guest staying in a hotel room was baffled when they stumbled upon a vertical slot inside their bedside table. They couldn’t help but wonder what it was used for, and when they struggled to find the answer, they decided to ask the online community for help.

The Answer: It turned out that the slot was used for storing a laptop or tablet while charging them overnight, so they didn’t occupy too much room on the entire nightstand. The user who shared the answer said they asked about it at their hotel’s front desk. They also pointed out that the hotel seemed familiar to the one they booked in Philly, and OP was quick to respond in the affirmative.

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