Jim Jordan Makes Blockbuster Announcement – New Probe To Get Launched

Two Republican committee chairmen have widened their investigation into President Joe Biden after they suspect he may have attempted to hinder his son Hunter Biden’s cooperation with the House’s impeachment investigation. The GOP leaders, Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer of Kentucky and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio, honed in on an officiaI White House statement suggesting that President Biden knew about Hunter’s plot to ignore congressional subpoenas in advance.

According to a joint statement issued by the chairmen: In light of an official statement from the White House that President Biden was aware in advance that his son, Hunter Biden, would knowingly defy two congressionaI subpoenas, we are compelled to examine as part of our impeachment inquiry whether the President engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct a proceeding of Congress.

In a letter to Edward Siskel, an assistant to Biden and the White House Counsel’s Office, the two GOP Ieaders noted:

Accordingly, and pursuant to the impeachment inquiry, please produce the following information for the period January 20, 2021, to the present:

1. All documents and communications sent or received by employees of the Executive Office of the President regarding the deposition of Hunter Biden, including but not Iimited to communications with Hunter Biden, Winston & Strawn LLP, and Kevin Morris; and

2. All documents and communications sent or received by employees of the Executive Office of the President regarding President Biden’s statement about his famiIy’s business associates on December 6, 2023. Please produce this information as soon as possible but no later than January 10, 2024.

My Husband Accused Me of Embarrassing Him While I Was Birthing Our Child, So I Taught Him a Lesson

My husband Owen and I were thrilled to welcome our baby, Liam. Our families were supportive, and the pregnancy went well. However, childbirth was painful, and Owen made remarks about my yelling, which hurt deeply.

One evening, while Liam slept, I brought up Owen’s comments during labor. He admitted to saying I was embarrassing him, but his response was defensive. His attitude shocked me, revealing a side of him I didn’t like. I locked myself in the bedroom with Liam, reflecting on his character.

A week later, we had dinner at my parents’ house. I encouraged my sisters to share their childbirth experiences, highlighting their supportive spouses. Owen listened quietly, realizing his mistakes. When it was my turn, I focused on Owen’s positive actions during my pregnancy. This led to a heartfelt apology from him, and he promised to be a better partner.

Driving home, I felt at peace. By choosing compassion over confrontation, I gave us a chance to move forward. Have you ever faced a similar situation? Would you have forgiven your husband or confronted him publicly? Let us know on Facebook!

Here’s another story you might enjoy: a 16-year-old boy brings a newborn home, saying, “Sorry Mom, I couldn’t leave him.”

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