My Blood Ran Cold When I Opened My Husband’s Drawer the Day After Moving In

Freya was excited to start her new life as a newlywed and moved into her husband George’s family estate. However, a warning from Valerie, the maid, about George’s secret life quickly shattered their vows.

Brimming with post-wedding joy, I moved into my husband’s enchanting family home, complete with high ceilings, arches, fountains, and flowers everywhere.

George had wanted me to settle in before we left for our honeymoon in the South of France.

Yet, things weren’t as perfect as they seemed. From the start, the maid, Valerie, gave me looks that seemed to say, “You don’t belong here.” I tried to shake it off, determined to stay. Valerie would have to get used to it.

A few days into moving in, I decided to make breakfast for my new family. The house was massive, and George’s younger siblings still lived at home, so I prepared a large meal.

Valerie watched me closely in the kitchen, making me nervous. When I reached for my phone to look up egg recipes, it was missing.

“Have you seen my phone?” I asked Valerie, certain it had been on the table in front of her.

Valerie barely glanced at me and shook her head.

“I’d hurry up with the breakfast if I were you,” she said coldly. “The family expects it on the table before they come downstairs.”

Taking her advice, I finished the breakfast as Valerie left the kitchen.

I eventually found my phone on the seat Valerie had just vacated. The message on the screen turned my world upside down:

Check your husband’s drawer. The top left one, specifically. Then RUN!

My heart pounding, I made my way to our bedroom, the warning replaying in my mind. Valerie had tidied the room and folded our clothes from the night before.

I hesitated before opening the drawer, dreading what I might find. What secrets was George hiding?

Inside, I found a stack of letters tied with a faded ribbon and an old key. The letters, written by my husband, were to someone named Elena.

I sat on our bed and read through them all — each letter spoke of a love and future he promised to someone else.

With each word, my heart shattered. The last letter was a goodbye, dated just three days before George proposed to me.

And the key?

“Do you know what this key is for?” I asked Ivy, George’s younger sister, when it didn’t fit any locks in our room.

“Oh, I think it’s for the attic,” she said, inspecting the key. “It has to be; that was George’s favorite room. It’s always been so dark and drafty to me. I haven’t been there in years.”

I found my way to the attic. It was just as dark and drafty as Ivy had said.

But when I turned on the light, I was horrified.

The walls were covered in photographs of George and a woman — presumably Elena. Their love was evident in every picture, mocking me and our marriage.

I collapsed into the only armchair in the room, overwhelmed. Then I saw an ultrasound on the wall beneath a photograph of George and Elena dancing in a courtyard.

George and Elena had been expecting a baby. Of course, they had.

How had he hidden this from me for so long?

I examined each photograph, grappling with the reality that George had abandoned Elena and their unborn child.

“Freya?” came a soft voice from the doorway.

“Valerie,” I said, suddenly cautious.

“You weren’t supposed to find out this way,” she said sympathetically.

“You knew about this?” I asked, unsure how to react.

She nodded slowly.

“Elena is my sister. She thought you deserved to know the truth. She gave me the letters, and I put them in George’s drawer this morning.”

“And the baby?” I asked, my voice trembling.

Valerie leaned against the wall and explained. When the family was planning their Christmas party two years ago, Valerie had asked Elena to help with the cleaning.

“They immediately hit it off and fell in love. But when Elena found out she was pregnant and that the baby had Down syndrome, George didn’t want to be involved.”

Valerie explained that George had wanted to marry Elena out of love, but when he learned about the baby’s condition, he saw them as a burden.

“He promised to fight for her with his family, but everything changed.”

We then went to the living room where the family was gathered — George was absent. I told his parents about the letters and the attic full of photographs.

Valerie revealed everything about Elena and her baby.

When we finished, George walked in, clearly having overheard the conversation.

“Is this true?” his father demanded.

George’s silence was a damning admission.

His family quickly disowned him. George was cut off, and his inheritance was redirected to support Elena and her unborn child.

As for me?

I was granted a swift divorce — George didn’t even contest it, broken by the loss of his wealth. My ex-in-laws gave me a fresh start with assets initially meant for George.

I sold some of the assets and founded an organization to support children with disabilities, ensuring Elena’s baby was well cared for. Valerie manages the foundation with input from me and George’s mother, who cut ties with her son the moment she learned about the baby.

What would you have done if you were in my shoes?

Grappling with his son’s suicide, Michael Madsen still hopes to find answers

Actor Michael Madsen of Reservoir Dogs received a final text from his child that said, “I love you dad,” and nothing more.

According to his father, 26-year-old Hudson Madsen, a prominent Hollywood actor’s son, shot himself in the head after completing his first tour as a U.S. Army Sergeant stationed in Hawaii.

Star of the Kill Bill franchise Madsen told the LA Times, “I am in shock as my son, whom I just spoke with a few days ago, said he was happy-my last text from him was ‘I love you dad.’”

“I saw no indications of depression. It is so terrible and tragic. He went on, “I’m just trying to make sense of it and comprehend what happened.

Hudson, the oldest child of Madsen and his wife DeAnna Madsen, had Quentin Tarantino as his godfather. The next oldest kids were brothers Luke and Kalvin. Madsen has two more boys, Christian and Max, with his former spouse Jeannine Bisignano.

In 2019, he wed Carlie, who posted encouraging remarks about their love on social media. Carlie’s social media accounts reveal that the couple, unable to conceive naturally, was thinking about doing IVF.

Just one week before he died on January 22, 2022, Carlie posted a selfie of herself wearing a hospital gown to Instagram, captioning it with the news that she had recently had a tumor removed.

She continues in the post, “I just want to give a shout-out to my amazing husband!” Throughout the entire process, he has shown a great deal of patience. I had surgery on one of my breasts yesterday to remove a tumor. Carlie went on, “We spent approximately seven hours at the hospital yesterday. He went to Target and purchased me a card, flowers, cozy pajamas, and my favorite candy while I was in surgery! He has also been tremendous in aiding with my recuperation, and I am incredibly appreciative.

A few weeks later, she posted a sweet photo of herself and Hudson to Twitter with the straightforward message, “I miss you so much.” The circumstances surrounding Hudson’s suicide baffled everyone.

According to Madsen, the 64-year-old father expressed his distress about his suicide by saying, “He had typical life challenges that people have with finances, but he wanted a family.” This is mind-blowing, since he was thinking about his future. I just don’t know what went wrong.

The Once Upon a Time in Hollywood actor Madsen also revealed that, despite his outward contentment, his son—who had served in Afghanistan—was struggling with mental health concerns. The actor claimed that because his son was keeping his difficulties to himself, he stopped getting counseling when he needed it.

Madsen felt “that officers and rank and file were shaming,” so he asked the military to look into it. However, the investigation’s findings are still under wraps.

Known for his work on Quentin Tarantino’s gory comedies, Madsen was arrested in Malibu at the mansion he had just been evicted from, one month after Hudson committed herself. Madsen was charged with trespassing and was given bail.

The actor has a past criminal history; TMZ reports that he was charged with child endangerment in 2012 and with DUI in 2019 following an SUV accident.

When the actor entered his house and saw that his teenage son was using marijuana, the two got into a fight.According to TMZ, Madsen and his young son got into a violent altercation, and when the police arrived, they saw multiple injuries on the boy. According to reports, Madsen looked to be intoxicated when he was taken into custody. Madsen’s name was disclosed, but not that of the son.

After Hudson passed away, the family released a statement in which they said, “We are crushed and overwhelmed with grief and pain at the loss of Hudson.” His memory and light will live on in the hearts of all those who were acquainted with and loved him.

Carlie posts a poignant homage to her spouse, whom she affectionately refers to as “Lump,” on Instagram on January 23, 2023.I have no idea how a year has passed without you. The pain is still exactly the same as it was that day. Every morning when I wake up and every evening before I go to sleep, my thoughts always turn to you. How much I miss you and how much I hurt is beyond words.

“I simply wish you would have spoken with me and told me what was going on that day,” she said. I apologize if you believed that there was no other way to turn things around. I apologize for not seeing the symptoms and for not being able to do more. Regretfully, I let you down. Please know that you are never far from my thoughts or side. Lump, I love you more and I miss you a lot.

Hudson Madsen passed away tragically, leaving behind a husband, best friend, son, and hero. If someone needs to hear it, this is the perfect opportunity to let them know how much you care.

There is always help available, and don’t forget that if you want to talk to someone anonymously, you can call the Suicide Hotline in the United States and Canada at 9-8-8.

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