Recent research has shown that kids need their grandparents more than we realize – Here is why

Recent research has shown that grandparents can have a profound impact on their grandchiIdren’s lives. By spending time with their grandchildren, grandparents can offer valuable support and guidance, especially in today’s complex world.

Grandparents possess a wealth of knowledge and experience, having navigated difficuIt times before, and they know how to handle various situations.

Studies have found that chiIdren who have active grandparents in their lives are generally happier and healthier than those who don’t.

There are many reasons for this, including the fact that grandparents can provide valuable life lessons and share their wisdom with their grandchildren. Additionally, grandparents are often great sources of humor and can bring joy and laughter to their grandchildren’s Iives. They can also be reliable and trustworthy babysitters, which is a great help for new parents.

Studies show kids need their grandparents more than we realize
1. Grandparents foster happiness.

A new study published in The GerontoIogist by Sara Moorman and Jeffrey Stokes confirmed that unity between grandparents and adult grandchildren has a significant impact. Their investigation revealed that higher levels of interpersonaI affinity between these two groups result in reduced depression symptoms for both.

2. Older relatives may provide a sympathetic ear to children.
Grandparents can serve as an additional outlet for children to express their emotions when they are upset with their parents.

While kids may be skilled at finding reasons to cry or complain, a caring grandmother’s ear can make a significant difference. Since children sometimes ignore their parents’ advice, grandparents may be better equipped to provide guidance and feedback that the children will truIy take to heart.

3. They serve as a reminder of our family heritage.
Grandparents are often an important link to our past and family history, which are integral parts of our identity. Through sharing stories of their childhood and our ancestors, they help us gain a deeper understanding of ourseIves and our heritage, creating a stronger sense of connection to our past.

Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly’s granddaughter is all grown up and has inherited her grandmother’s beauty

Grace Kelly was a Hollywood film star who never left the spotlight in the 1950s. She didn’t last longer than six years in the industry, but those years she spent were legendary.

She got into the world of acting at the age of 20 and became a bomb.

She starred in adventure romance Mogambo alongside Clark Gable and Ava Gardner which earned her a Golden Globe for best-supporting actress.

We thought that was all until she gave a show the following year. She won yet another award for Best supporting actress in The Country Girl.

During her career, her movies were majorly comedy musical High Society starring alongside Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra and three Alfred Hitchcock movies Dial M for Murder; To Catch a Thief with Cary Grant, and Rear window.

At the age of 26, Grace left the spotlight because of her marriage to Prince Rainier III and become Princess of Monaco.

We all knew if she remained in the industry she could have been among the top as within six years she had two Golden Globes and Academy Award to her name and 11 successful movies.

She retired from the spotlight because of her marriage to the prince and went on to have three wonderful children, Caroline, Princess of Hanover, Albert II.

Kelly tragically passed away at the age of 52 after a car accident. She had a stroke and lost control of the vehicle. Stephanie, her youngest daughter was with her at that moment, and luckily she was able to survive the accident.

Kelly is said to have a total of 11 grandchildren and they so much remind us of the Philadelphia-born.

Camille Gottlieb is one of the grandchildren of Kelly born by Grace Kelly’s youngest child Princess Stephanie of Monaco and Jean-Raymond Gottlieb.

The 20-year-old has two older half-siblings, Pauline Ducruet and they look so much like their grandmother.

Camille seems to be a better replica of her grandmother as she has blond hair and blue eyes.

Going through her Instagram account with over 70,000 followers, we can’t help but see her grandmother’s piercing blue eyes. She looks so beautiful and reminds us of the legendary Grace Kelly. May her soul rest in peace.

The report says she’s not quite eligible for the throne as she was born when her parents weren’t married and her birth was a secret.

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