Second Chance for a Pit Bull: Rescued from a Massive Tumor, Now Thriving

Animal shelters do incredible work giving pets a second chance. Some animals arrive at shelters in shocking condition, but they still step up to give them the love and care they need.

That was the case for a dog named Libby, who had a tumor the size of a volleyball. But now, her story has a happy ending.

In August, the Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County, in Washington state, took in a stray pit bull named Libby. They said the dog was “full of life” and had a “sweet face and kind eyes.”

However, Libby also had a serious medical concern: a 10-pound tumor the size of a volleyball, one of the largest masses they had ever seen:

Libby arrived at a hectic time for the shelter: HSTPC says Libby was just one of three urgent cases they responded to in 48 hours, and as Washington’s largest-intake shelter dozens of new animals were arriving every day.

Despite that, they resolved to give Libby the best possible care, even though they weren’t sure what the future had in store for the poor dog.

“She deserves the most compassionate care possible, but we don’t know what her outcome will be at this time,” the shelter wrote in August. “Our veterinary team is working on every possible option and will start with testing to understand what kind of tumor Libby has. For now, she is receiving pain medication to ease her discomfort and endless love from our staff.”

After giving Libby an x-ray, they discovered the tumor was in the bone of her upper right leg, and would require amputation. Reactive inflammation caused the tumor to swell to its unusual size, and was causing her agonizing pain.

Through generous donations from supporters, the shelter was able to pay for Libby’s leg amputation. The surgery, done by the vet staff at BluePearl Pet Hospital, was a success and Libby was finally free of the pain she had been living through.

Sadly, even though her tumor was gone, she was diagnosed with aggressive bone cancer, and her time on earth might be limited. But in happy news, Libby has found a home!

According to HSTPC, a vet tech fell in love with Libby and agreed to adopt her. Even though she knows that Libby might not live long, she wanted to fill her remaining days with love.

“There’s something in her eyes that begs for love and safety,” her new adopter said, according to a Facebook post. “I couldn’t turn away from that.”

Libby has now been renamed “Wiggles” and is enjoying her new home, playing with her dog brother and family and taking lots of cozy naps on the couch.

“Though we’re uncertain how much time she has left, we know she’ll spend her remaining days

A Whiskered Wanderer: A Journey of Hope and Recovery for a Canine Companion

Upon their initial encounter, Joey Maxwell and his spouse were captivated by Maverick, who resided in an animal shelter on the brink of demise, being malnourished and gaunt. Compassionately, they decided to adopt him, assimilating him into their family, and relishing in six delightful years together. Consequently, when the disheartening news of Maverick’s lymphoma diagnosis surfaced a couple of years ago, Maxwell devoted himself entirely to assisting his beloved canine in conquering cancer. Astonishingly, the initial course of chemotherapy administered yielded positive results, providing a glimmer of hope for Maverick’s recovery.

About two months back, the illness resurfaced, causing him to lose his ability to walk. Consequently, the owner made the decision to transport the adorable canine on a wagon. Initially, the intention was simply to bring some happiness into Mav’s final days, but unexpectedly, an extraordinary impact was observed on the doggie’s well-being.

Maxwell, in conversation with CBS News, mentioned that when they remove him from a particular environment, he tends to vocalize his presence by barking towards anyone who crosses his path. This behavior continues until someone kindly caresses him, which, according to Maxwell, depicts his belief that every soul in the world exists solely to provide him with affection.

And it is quite possible that he is correct. The overwhelming flow of affection and encouragement that Maxwell and his furry companion receive is truly remarkable. As a testament to this, Maxwell recently received a remarkable 50% discount on a wagon after sharing his heartfelt story, a touching moment that brought tears to both Maxwell and the kind-hearted Lowe’s cashier. These days, whenever the people in Maxwell’s small community catch a glimpse of Maverick, they instantly recognize him and gravitate towards him to shower the lovable pup with affection. It is abundantly clear that Maverick is thriving and growing stronger with each passing day, perhaps because he simply adores those joyous rides in the wagon.

“We find ourselves in a great position as we truly grasp the immense value Mav holds for countless individuals, along with the fact that he has genuinely experienced an equal measure of their affection and support.”

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