Stop Buying Tomatoes. Use These 4 Smart Methods To Grow An Endless Supply

Find Out How to Grow Tomatoes at Home the Best Ways

A fruit with many uses, tomatoes can be added to soups, pastas, salsas, and chiles, among other dishes. Growing your own tomatoes could save you money and improve the flavor if you eat a lot of them. Though establishing a new harvest with a tomato seedling is the most popular method, there are other options to think about. These four tactics will ensure that your favorite fruit is always available.

1. Bury Slices of tomato

A plentiful harvest can result from burying tomato slices, did you know that? The Wannabe Homesteader provides an easy-to-implement and affordable fix. An overripe tomato, some planting soil, and multiple containers are all you need. Potting soil should be added to a large container until it is nearly full. Then, cover the soil with a few thin tomato slices. Pick slices with many of seeds and bury them in enough soil so they don’t sprout. Give them a week or two to begin growing.

The tomato seeds take around a week to sprout. Up to sixty seedlings can be raised in a single container. Take cuttings from the top four or five strongest sprouts and plant them in different locations. Every few weeks, check on the young plants and pull off the weaker ones to make place for the stronger ones.

2. Bury Them in the Earth

Planting your tomatoes directly in the ground will greatly boost your harvest if you have a large yard with lots of sunlight. According to Bonnie Plants, this method also lessens the requirement for watering. But be aware that rabbits and deer can like nibbling on your garden, so you’ll need to take extra care.

3. Construct a Window Box for Them

In window boxes, tomatoes can be grown successfully even in situations when you don’t have much room for a garden. Use a window box large enough to accommodate at least 1.5 liters of soil, and use a string trellis that is drilled into the wall to support the plant. Use smaller tomato types to ensure the success of this technique.

4. Use a hanging basket to grow them.

Instead of using a pot on the porch, use a hanging basket if you’re concerned that hanging a heavy box from it would damage it. But remember, since the water will evaporate faster in this container than it would in a regular one, the plant will need more water. Use a cascade cherry tomato variety, like DIY Network recommends.

An easy and affordable method to get fresh, tasty fruit all year long is to grow tomatoes yourself. Take into account these tactics to guarantee an endless supply of your preferred fruit.

Is there someone you know who might like to give tomato growing a try?

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20+ Photos Proving That You Can Find Something Cool, Even in a Pile of Old Junk

The people from this article learned that something truly valuable can be found in unexpected places like a secondhand store or a flea market. You don’t have to have any special knowledge or skills — sometimes you just have to be a little lucky.

Bright Side is about to show you some photos taken by lucky people who managed to buy some cool and very expensive stuff when they least expected to.

“In high school, I found this vintage apple necklace that I loved at an antique store, but I left it at an ex-boyfriend’s house and never got it back. Yesterday I walked into an antique store and SAW THE SAME NECKLACE! 10 years later and 700 miles away, the treasure hunt always pays off!”

“I found a nice hardcover edition of a book I’ve been wanting to read at Value Village, and I was happy to pay the $5 for it. Then I found this when I flipped through it at home.”

“I always make sure to look through the entire costume jewelry section before leaving and today I found this diamond sapphire engagement ring in a rummage bowl for $2. Took it to a jeweler straight after and they confirmed it was real.”

“I was searching for a suit for a wedding and found a 3-piece with a retail value of $1,700. And I paid $20 for it!”

“Needed an emergency dress for an event yesterday and found one for $9 at my favorite charity shop!”

“Found a camera in a thrift store that belonged to a soldier in WW1. It has undeveloped Verichrome film in the back.”

“I found a Loewe ’puzzle’ bag in pristine condition for $20 at Goodwill. It retails at $2,590.”

“Always check your piggy banks! Found $170 in a piggy bank that cost $7!”

“Found my wedding dress today. I believe it’s from the 1950s and I only paid $64 for it and I’m in love. Going to add my own twist to the top and redo the corset but the bottom is staying just how it is.”

“This is the best $1.99 I will ever spend in my lifetime. The book has a photo of Stephen King and his autograph in it!”

“This is a thrifted vintage gown that resembles the lamé dress Marilyn Monroe wore. I did not nail the pose, I know…”

“Went to a house clearance sale and found this pin marked as ’costume jewelry’ for $5. Took it to a jeweler and they confirmed it’s unmarked gold with diamonds and sapphires.”

“3 designer blazers on the same trip to GW — I paid under $15 for all 3.”

“Fell in love with this painting and got it for $10!”

“I found a $5 vintage, heavily-beaded, seashell purse with a handmade tag inside. It’s so pretty!”

“Cute vintage strawberry salt and pepper shakers, new and in a box”

“Found $5 in this jacket I paid $6 for.”

“I got a Harry Potter wand for $1.78.”

“I only started learning embroidery a few days ago and found 700 skeins of string for $5 at a thrift store. They retail for about $.50 each.”

“This was probably my favorite purchase ever! A $3 vintage wedding dress!”

“I was told this was a green amethyst and haggled it down to $42. Took it to a jeweler to have it appraised — it’s a rare green diamond over 100 years old, conservatively worth more than $8,000!”

We’re sure that our readers have interesting stories too. Which of your purchases do you think was a really great find? Tell us!

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