Terry Crews’ wife says their marriage almost ended three times.

Terry Crews’ wife, Rebecca, shared that their marriage almost ended in divorce three times, but they worked through their issues after Terry decided to focus on “working on himself.”

In an interview with DailyMail.com, Rebecca, who’s been married to Terry for 35 years, spoke about how much she admires his determination but also revealed they’ve had tough times, even coming close to being homeless.

She explained that their shared faith has been important in their relationship. Even when things were difficult, they both kept trying, believing that they chose each other for a reason. Rebecca said they’ve had a few moments where they could have ended their marriage, but each time, one of them wanted to stay and worked hard to make things better.

The couple (pictured in September) have had their fair share of ups and downs

Rebecca Crews, mother of five and the founder of a new boutique in Pasadena, shared more about her relationship with her husband, Terry. She explained that their marriage almost ended three times. The first time, she wanted out, but Terry fought to keep them together. The second time, he wanted to leave, but she fought for him. The third time, Terry had to face his addiction, and Rebecca kicked him out.

Terry begged her to stay, but Rebecca told him he’d messed up. He went to work on himself, became a better person, but Rebecca said he could still improve.

Both Terry and Rebecca have been open about their struggles, and in 2021, Terry admitted that his porn addiction nearly ruined their marriage.

When asked what makes a marriage last, Rebecca said it’s important to make sure both people are getting what they want. She knew what she wanted when she married Terry, and it turned out they shared similar goals. She warned that couples who don’t share the same dreams, like wanting children, can face big problems.

Rebecca added that even though it’s been tough, she always saw Terry as a good guy and her friend, and that helped them get through the hard times.

The pair (pictured at the 2024 Grammy Awards) are now business partners with their Rebecca Crews clothing line
The couple pictured with their family are now empty-nesters which Rebecca described as ‘really fun’

Rebecca Crews shared that she loved Terry as a person before she fell in love with him, and he’s still her friend. She joked that she can sometimes argue with him and then hug him right after, saying, “but you’re still my boo.”

Rebecca explained that while she holds Terry to a certain “standard,” forgiveness is important in making their relationship work. She said she often tells him, “You can do better,” and that he admits he’s not perfect. She believes forgiveness is key to staying married, but it has to be sincere. She added that you can’t just keep accepting bad behavior; sometimes you need to step back and let someone feel the consequences.

The couple, who have four daughters and a son, have been through tough times but live in Pasadena, California, and have been together for 25 years.

Rebecca admitted that she still holds Terry (pictured together in 2021), who she has been married to for 35 years, to a certain ‘standard’
‘There was a season of our lives that we could have been homeless’ Rebecca revealed (pictured in 2018)

Rebecca Crews shared that there was a time in their lives when they were close to being homeless. They were just a week away from having to leave their place with nowhere to go when something came through for them at the last moment. They ended up moving just across the street in Burbank.

Now that all of their children have grown up and moved out, Rebecca said she and Terry have more freedom. They travel more and she can even join him while he’s working, making the empty-nester life fun. She joked that Terry can sometimes feel like another child!

With more time on her hands, Rebecca has been focusing on her clothing line. She’s grateful for the support from Terry, both financially and emotionally, and she credits him for helping her build her determination. Rebecca said it’s never too late to follow your dreams, and she now feels bolder and more confident. She even got emotional when her new store in Pasadena was opening, calling it a dream come true and seeing even bigger things ahead.

Things That Clog Your Pores And Cause Acne

Acne is a skin problem that affects about 90% of people during their life. There are many reasons why acne appears.

However, some things we might never have thought would cause acne actually do, and we might not even know it.

Viral Strange has collected 7 things that can cause pore-clogging and acne appearance.

Pores: We’ve all got these tiny openings in our skin for releasing sweat and oil, but for some people, they can be more temperamental than others. Or, rather, clogged pores happen more often to some of us than others. Clogged pores happen when oil doesn’t or can’t flow through them as it should, explains board-certified dermatologist Geeta Yadav, MD. “Typically, this is caused by the overproduction of oil that then becomes trapped by dead cells that haven’t properly shed from the lining of the pore. Makeup, dirt, and/or comedogenic ingredients can also block the pore, and prevent that flow of oil through it,” she says.

Comedogenic is essentially a word for pore-clogging, and while these types of ingredients aren’t the sole cause of acne and breakouts—there are several factors—they certainly won’t help the situation. “Pore-clogging ingredients make it much more likely that pimples will form,” says board-certified dermatologist Rachel Nazarian, MD. “In someone who has naturally oily skin or who harbors the bacteria that causes acne, using these ingredients is like adding gas to the fire. It’s a dangerous combination that can exacerbate acne and cause consistent breakouts.”

Coconut Oil
All three dermatologists we spoke with called out coconut oil as a common offender. “While it has a variety of health benefits, it’s highly comedogenic, especially when applied on the the face,” Palm explains. “Because it isn’t easily absorbed [into] the skin, it can trap bacteria and dead skin cells, making it detrimental for those who are acne-prone.”

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