The entire school used to mock this nine-year-old girl because of her weight but look at her now!

Breanna Bond’s journey embodies the poignant narrative of confronting childhood obesity head-on and discovering the empowering potential of determination, encouragement, and embracing a healthy lifestyle.

Since her earliest years, Breanna faced the cruelty of her peers due to her weight. Even as a young student in elementary school, she stood out as heavier than her classmates, weighing in at forty-five kilograms when she started first grade.

As time passed, her weight continued to climb, reaching an alarming eighty-four kilograms by the age of nine.

The relentless teasing and bullying at school left Breanna feeling isolated and disheartened. Every day she returned home, emotionally battered and on the verge of tears, a casualty of the unkindness she encountered.

The root of Breanna’s weight struggles stemmed from her family’s dietary habits, which leaned heavily on sweets and junk food. Regular visits to fast food joints and indulging in calorie-rich snacks took a toll on her health and well-being.

Concerned for their daughter’s welfare, Breanna’s parents sought medical advice, hoping to find a solution to her escalating weight gain.

After consulting with a nutritionist, Breanna and her family embarked on a transformative journey. They bid farewell to sugary treats and processed snacks, opting instead for nourishing, wholesome foods. Exercise became a staple of their routine, with family walks and organized sports taking precedence over sedentary activities.

The road to change was challenging. Breanna grappled with fatigue and hunger as she adjusted to her new lifestyle. There were moments of frustration and resentment, especially towards her parents for depriving her of her favorite treats.

However, Breanna persisted, driven by an unwavering determination to reclaim her health and happiness.

Gradually, their efforts bore fruit. Breanna’s once-round figure began to slim down, her confidence soaring with each passing day. Her classmates took notice, trading taunts for admiration.

In the swimming pool, an old friend failed to recognize her, so profound was her transformation. In just a year, Breanna shed an impressive thirty-five kilograms, a testament to her resilience.

But Breanna’s journey wasn’t just about physical change; it was a voyage of self-discovery and empowerment. Fueled by newfound confidence, Breanna excelled in sports, earning a spot on the school’s cheerleading squad and even participating in the Teen Olympic Games.

Today, Breanna stands as a symbol of hope for those grappling with obesity, her story serving as inspiration for many. With humility and kindness, she shares her experiences, offering support and guidance to those on a similar journey to wellness.

Through her grit and determination, Breanna proves that no challenge is insurmountable and that with dedication and perseverance, anything is achievable.

Waitress gets ‘$0’ tip on ‘$187’ bill, turns heads after making Facebook post in response

If you decide to pursue a career in the restaurant industry, especially the position of a waiter or a waitress, you should know it is followed by certain difficulties such as dealing with tough customers who are impatient and may treat you with disrespect, and not to mention how difficult it is to be on your feet all day.
However, the biggest issue is the pay which is pretty low. Because these employees are expected to be tipped, the country of U.S allows the restaurant owners to pay the workers less than the federal minimum wage.

In 21 states, servers are paid only $2.13 an hour before tips. According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, “nearly 15% of the nation’s 2.4 million waiters and waitresses live in poverty, compared with about 7% of all workers. They are more likely to need public assistance and less likely to receive paid sick leave or health benefits.”


Although they should be tipped, there are customers who are so rude that they decide to tip the waiter or waitress who served them under the standard 15% or even noting. That is exactly what happened to a waitress Taylar Cordova who was so angry at the customer that she decided to share the bill on line and rise awareness of the disrespectful way these workers are treated.

She received no tip on a bill totaling $187.43. A standard tip would have given Cordova $28.11. The post has been shared more than 12,000 times.


The caption read:

‘“This. This is the reason I work so much. This is why I cry in the shower. I STRUGGLE to put clothes on my daughter’s back and food in our bellies because of THIS. You, are the lowest of the low. Whenever you feel like it’s probably fine to not tip your server, that’s one more bill stacking up because they’re short on money. This is food for the week that our families will go without because you didn’t think it was necessary, even after asking for everything under the sun and receiving it free of charge, mind you. This is one less basic necessity my daughter needs because even TWO more dollars is too much for you.

Every decision has a consequence. Servers are paid a base pay of $2-5/hr depending on the employer, so next time you don’t want to tip, regardless of the situation prior to receiving your bill, think about how much you would have to work that week off $2-5/hr to feed your family, not just you. Could you pay your bills based on that pay alone? Could you feed your family AND yourself? Because that’s what happens when you choose to not tip. Please, please tip your servers. Even if it was the worst service you’ve ever received. A 10% tip is a big enough slap in the face, this completely tore me apart. Don’t even bother walking into a restaurant if you can’t afford to tip. There’s a McDonald’s down the street if you’re that cheap.”

But things may be looking up for servers in the future. According to Eater, “Seven states — including New York — have already increased or eliminated the lower tipped minimum wage and seven more are in the process of increasing or eliminating it altogether.” This change is necessary because, according to the National Restaurant Association, by the end of this year, 12.9 million people will work in the restaurant industry, which will account for 10% of the U.S. workforce.

Note: This article originally appeared on ​May 16, 2017.

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