The ‘Mom Of Boys’ Guide To Getting That Gross Smell Out Of Your Bathroom

As one of three boys, I can only image the ordeals my husband’s brothers inflicted on their poor mother as they grew up. You don’t need me to tell you that boys are typically a little messier and wilder than tiny girls if you are a parent of boys. This kind of reasoning also certainly applies to a guys’ bathroom, particularly during potty training.

A little boy’s poop doesn’t always end up in the toilet, as you already know if you’ve potty trained him or are potty training him. And that’s just when this mom’s ingenious trick comes in handy. Three little boys use Priscilla Raquel Lloyd’s restroom, so she took to Facebook to offer her trick for getting rid of the odor. You will want to hear about it if you are a parent of a boy!

According to Priscilla, urine odors can be eliminated from your bathroom floor and the area surrounding the toilet by using traditional cheapo shaving cream. She continued by saying that even though she always disinfects the area by using a cleaner with a bleach base, the stale stench still remains because she is a mother of three sons who are potty training. For this reason, they periodically slap on some shaving cream to get rid of the odor of stale pee.

This trick looks like it’s definitely worth a try if you’re toilet training and scared your restroom won’t smell the same after. I appreciate you sharing, Priscilla!

Healthy Pickled Beets


Seven big, fresh beets

One vinegar cup

A half-cup of sugar

Half a teaspoon of whole cloves

Half a teaspoon of whole allspice

A half-teaspoon of salt


Now let’s talk about the beets. Give them a thorough cleaning before chopping off the tops, leaving approximately one inch. Put them in a Dutch oven with water on top of them. After bringing the water to a boil, cover and cook the beets gently for 25 to 30 minutes, or until they are soft. When finished, carefully remove them from the water and allow them cool.

Once the beets have cooled, remove the skins and cut them into the desired shapes. Sliced beets should be placed in a basin and left for a short while.

Next, place the vinegar, sugar, salt, allspice, and whole cloves in a small pot. It should take around five minutes to bring this mixture to a boil. Pour the boiling fluid over the beets that have been cut into slices.

Before serving, the beets should be chilled for at least an hour for optimal results. You just need to drain the liquid and your delicious pickled beets are ready to eat!

These nutritious pickled beets are a great way to start a meal or as a light snack.

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