Wagging her tail in a desperate attempt to get assistance before giving up on life, this homeless puppy makes one last plea.

The puppy was suffering from distemper and recognized she was dying. When she saw somebody passing by, she asked for help one last time.

Distemper is one of the leading causes of death among unvaccinated street dogs. This infectious virus, which targets the breathing, gastrointestinal and central nervous systems of dogs, is often deadly.

In this video, we watch Animal Help Unlimited staff try to rescue a young homeless young puppy suffering from distemper.

The dog had actually been infected for weeks but had no treatment because the baby was homeless. She was eventually found collapsed by a roadside, wagging her tail in the hopes of seeking rescue.

The rescue team realized the canine was dying, but they intended to provide it a possibility to recover. She got intensive care for 2 week, which included antibiotics and fluids.

In spite of her excruciating discomfort, the dog was grateful to have humans look after her for the first time in her life.

She was gradually getting better every day! It was a magical moment for the grooming team when the puppy restored the strength to fit on all fours and walk again!

She was so overjoyed at her victory that she rushed towards her rescuers and hugged them tightly. Her bright smiles and unlimited waving of her tail brightened our day!

Gentle Goose Takes Care Of Her Bestie’s Puppies Like Her Own Children

The interspecies relationship is always a miracle in real life. In fact, animals see the world so differently compared to humans. They do not see a being by the species, shape, and size. All they see is the way they treat each other. So real. So genuine. The story between a dog and a goose below is a fine example.

The goose was saved and adopted by the owner of the dog when she was just a little baby. Despite the differences, the goose and the samoyed immediately bonded together. They stayed and grew up side by side, and the bond between them is only getting stronger.

They are so close that the goose even helps her dog friend take care of her puppies. The goose is a very attentive nanny. When the Samoyed isn’t around, she steps in to look after the babies, follow them around to make sure that they are okay. For her, those puppies are no different from her own children. It’s so heartwarming to see such a beautiful friendship like that.

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